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/path/to/iina/iina/AppData.swift:49:14: warning: 'emailLink' is unused
/path/to/iina/iina/AppData.swift:73:16: warning: 'audioDelay' is unused
/path/to/iina/iina/AppData.swift:74:16: warning: 'subDelay' is unused
/path/to/iina/iina/AppDelegate.swift:17:17: warning: 'NormalMenuItemTag' is unused
/path/to/iina/iina/AppDelegate.swift:277:8: warning: 'droppedText(_:userData:error:)' is unused
/path/to/iina/iina/Aspect.swift:15:7: warning: 'width' is unused
/path/to/iina/iina/Aspect.swift:24:7: warning: 'height' is unused
/path/to/iina/iina/Aspect.swift:43:3: warning: 'init(width:height:)' is unused
/path/to/iina/iina/AssrtSubtitle.swift:26:13: warning: 'title' is unused
/path/to/iina/iina/AssrtSubtitle.swift:28:13: warning: 'size' is unused
"key.dependencies" : [
"key.filepath" : "\/Applications\/\/Contents\/Developer\/Toolchains\/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain\/usr\/lib\/swift\/macosx\/x86_64\/Swift.swiftmodule",
"key.hash" : "1U0WPLOG404PF",
"key.is_system" : true,
"key.kind" : "source.lang.swift.import.module.swift",
"" : "Swift"
{ do |s| = "BlueSocket"
s.version = "0.12.16"
s.summary = "Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux."
s.homepage = ""
s.license = "Apache License, Version 2.0" = "IBM"
s.ios.deployment_target = "8.0"
s.osx.deployment_target = "10.12"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
const char *disableAnimationsEnvVar = "DISABLE_ANIMATIONS";
@interface TTAnimationDurationSwizzle : NSObject
@implementation TTAnimationDurationSwizzle
require 'monitor'
obj =
condition = obj.new_cond
duration = 4
class Signaler
def initialize(duration, obj, condition)
@duration = duration
Mobo: GA-Z87X-UD7 TH
GFX: MSI N780 Lighting (Nvidia GTX 780)
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 1600 MHz
CPU: Core i7-4770K 3.5Ghz
SSD: Samsung 840 PRO 6Gb/s SATA 512GB SSD
Heatsink: Corsair H80i
PSU: Corsair 750 Watt Modular
Case: Corsair Carbide 500R
~ $ irb
jruby-1.7.6 :001 > require 'socket'
=> true
jruby-1.7.6 :002 >
jruby-1.7.6 :003 > udp =
=> #<UDPSocket:fd 123>
jruby-1.7.6 :004 > udp.bind('', 0)
=> 0
jruby-1.7.6 :005 > port = udp.addr[1]
=> 63731
require 'thread'
# in an initializer or something
class WorkerPool
STOP = 0x666
def initialize
@q =
user system total real
Queue (stdlib) 0.060000 0.000000 0.060000 ( 0.007000)
AtomicLinkedQueue 0.370000 0.010000 0.380000 ( 0.055000)
Disruptor::Queue - BusySpinWaitStrategy 0.240000 0.000000 0.240000 ( 0.031000)
$thread_count = 6
$iterations = 100
* It consumes insane amounts of memory.
* It crashes quite frequently, especially when loading history.
* It's slow and frequently pauses for a few seconds.
* The room selection dialog needs some love, typing a room name to find it is hopeless. It performs the search from scratch on each key press?
Past week or so:
* Scrolling has been causing odd painting issues where message blocks prematurely dissapear before they go out of view.
* Most importantly, I have not been receiving messages. Other people have confirmed this behaviour and appears to be a new issue.