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Ioannis K. Moutsatsos imoutsatsos

  • Novartis (
  • Arlington, MA
  • X @ioannismou
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imoutsatsos / AC_IMAGE_GALLERY.groovy
Created October 10, 2018 14:18
Active Choices Reactive Parameter for parametrizing JavaScript from a Jenkins Global Variable
imoutsatsos / buildStep_unzipMyFile.groovy
Created September 6, 2018 21:14
Uses the Jenkins API to unzip an uploaded archive to the job workspace
import hudson.model.*
// get current thread / Executor
def thr = Thread.currentThread()
// get current build
def build = thr?.executable
// get job 'file-type' parameter named 'My_file
def resolver = build.buildVariableResolver
imoutsatsos / propertiesToCSV.groovy
Last active March 31, 2018 15:39
Creates a CSV Table from a custom format of Java style Properties
Creates a CSV table from properties formatted by the following convention
Semantics of this format are that each object has a unique 'ObjId' and a 'Value' for the column header 'CSV_Column'
You would somehow first group the properties by the identifying prefix
In this example the
property prefixId: 'metadata.plate'
Header CSV_Column: ['fixation','probe','cell_line']
imoutsatsos / qPluginName.groovy
Last active March 16, 2018 19:06
Query Jenkins for Plugin Name
Script example for querying the Jenkins PluginManager for plugin names
Requires the class name of the plugin, typically found in the appropriate step of the configuration file
import jenkins.model.Jenkins;
import hudson.PluginWrapper;
Jenkins instance = Jenkins.getInstance();
uc= instance.getPluginManager().whichPlugin(org.biouno.unochoice.model.ScriptlerScript);
println uc.getLongName()
imoutsatsos / numericalCoordinatesFromWellIds.groovy
Last active July 10, 2018 14:27
Map alphanumeric well IDs to numeric row/column coordinates
Wells in assay plates are frequently labelled with alphanumeric identifiers (A04, E11 etc)
Script assign row/columns numbers to alphanumeric Well IDs
Note that the column is returned as a formatted String
assert plate.size()==1536
imoutsatsos / addHeaderToHeadelessCsvFiles
Created July 25, 2017 18:30
Groovy script adds a CSV header to headless CSV files in a parent folder
Groovy script adds a CSV header to headless CSV files in a parent folder
CSV files with header are saved as originalName_h.csv
//The CSV header to be added
def headerPath = 'D:/mydata/data/header.csv'
def header = new File(headerPath)
assert header.exists()
def parentPath = 'D:/workspace/MySQLout'
imoutsatsos / copyProjectFiles.groovy
Created May 30, 2017 11:38
Jenkins scriptlet copies project files by reading a list from a CSV table
Required Parameters
vDestination: folder where files are copied
VPropFilePath:CSV file path
vArtifactCol: CSV file column (index-1) where file path value is located
vArtifactPath: null for auto-discovery from full path, or a standard path where file artifacts are found
//collect environment variables that may be useful for path expansion
def env = System.getenv()
imoutsatsos / listInferDataType.groovy
Last active June 25, 2017 01:06
Infer data type of list ietms
/* A groovy example for inferring data types of elements in an ArrayList
* Perhaps useful for when analyzing values to be create column in database
* by IKM-July 29, 2016
a=[2.345, 3.2, 4.1, 2.23]
println "a-contains:, ${a.collect{it.getClass().simpleName}.unique()}"
imoutsatsos / ListToTable.groovy
Created August 3, 2016 02:04
Write a table like delimited file from Groovy list
/*writes a table like delimited file from Groovy list
works with both simple lists and lists of lists
author IoannisK. Moutsatsos
since Aug-2-2016
/* list of lists */
/*a simple list */
theList = ["LoadData", "IdentifyPrimaryObjects", "IdentifySecondaryObjects", "MaskImage", "CorrectIlluminationCalculate", "CorrectIlluminationApply", "IdentifyPrimaryObjects", "MaskIma
imoutsatsos / csvRowFilter.groovy
Last active June 2, 2016 15:52
Assert whether a CSV file row is selected by a query clause. Query is expressed in a special Groovy syntax
/*Helper code for selecting rows from a CSV file that satisfy certain user-defined selection criteria (the query)
The criteria are expressed in a special Groovy Syntax that allows it to be evaluated as a Groovy Map to provide the WHERE CLAUSE components
Author: Ioannis K. Moutsatsos
/*Example Selection Criteria in Groovy Format.
All criteria are used in AND format
Basic format is that of a Groovy map. You have to delimit single quotes and string map values
The map keys are the names of the file columns that will be tested by a selection criterium
The criteria values can be in the format of an List, Range or another Map (see examples and formatting below)