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David Darrell incon

  • Perth, Australia
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incon / FizzBuzz.js
Created November 28, 2017 07:42
React FizzBuzz
import React from "react";
const Number = props => <span>{props.value}</span>;
const Fizz = () => <span>Fizz</span>;
const Buzz = () => <span>Buzz</span>;
export const FizzBuzz = () => {
return [...Array(100).keys()].map(v => {
return (
const number =
function createMemorySpiralPart1() {
map = [[5, 4, 3], [6, 1, 2], [7, 8, 9]];
current = 9;
mapSize = 4;
row = 2;
location = 2;
while (current < input) {
position = { row, location };
const input =
"4168 3925 858 2203 440 185 2886 160 1811 4272 4333 2180 174 157 361 1555\n" +
"150 111 188 130 98 673 408 632 771 585 191 92 622 158 537 142\n" +
"5785 5174 1304 3369 3891 131 141 5781 5543 4919 478 6585 116 520 673 112\n" +
"5900 173 5711 236 2920 177 3585 4735 2135 2122 5209 265 5889 233 4639 5572\n" +
"861 511 907 138 981 168 889 986 980 471 107 130 596 744 251 123\n" +
"2196 188 1245 145 1669 2444 656 234 1852 610 503 2180 551 2241 643 175\n" +
"2051 1518 1744 233 2155 139 658 159 1178 821 167 546 126 974 136 1946\n" +
"161 1438 3317 4996 4336 2170 130 4987 3323 178 174 4830 3737 4611 2655 2743\n" +
"3990 190 192 1630 1623 203 1139 2207 3994 1693 1468 1829 164 4391 3867 3036\n" +
const input =
"sayndz zfxlkl attjtww cti sokkmty brx fhh suelqbp\n" +
"xmuf znkhaes pggrlp zia znkhaes znkhaes\n" +
"nti rxr bogebb zdwrin\n" +
"sryookh unrudn zrkz jxhrdo gctlyz\n" +
"bssqn wbmdc rigc zketu ketichh enkixg bmdwc stnsdf jnz mqovwg ixgken\n" +
"flawt cpott xth ucwgg xce jcubx wvl qsysa nlg\n" +
"qovcqn zxcz vojsno nqoqvc hnf gqewlkd uevax vuna fxjkbll vfge\n" +
"qrzf phwuf ligf xgen vkig elptd njdm gvqiu epfzsvk urbltg dqg\n" +
"sfpku viwihi fje umdkwvi ejzhzj qrbl sfpku sad nawnow ksnku\n" +
function part1(str) {
let numbers = str.split("\n").map(num => parseInt(num));
let count = 0;
let nextIndex = 0;
let mazeSize = numbers.length;
while (nextIndex < mazeSize) {
const currentIndex = nextIndex;
nextIndex = numbers[currentIndex] + currentIndex;
numbers[currentIndex] = numbers[currentIndex] + 1;
const data = require("fs").readFileSync("day8-input.txt", "UTF-8");
map = {};
maxCPU = 0;
data.split("\n").forEach(row => {
action = row.split(" if ")[0].split(" ");
conditionStr = row.split(" if ")[1];
conditionVar = conditionStr.split(" ")[0];
actionVar = action[0];
increment = action[1] === "inc";
let data = require("fs").readFileSync("day9-input.txt", "UTF-8");
let garbage = 0;
let total = 0;
let canceled = false;
let ignore = false;
let depth = 0;
data.split("").forEach(char => {
if (ignore) {
const input = require("fs").readFileSync("day11-input.txt", "UTF-8");
const map = {
n: { x: 0, y: 1 },
ne: { x: 1, y: 1 },
se: { x: 1, y: -1 },
s: { x: 0, y: -1 },
sw: { x: -1, y: -1 },
nw: { x: -1, y: 1 }