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# Pizza calculator with baker's percentage
# Features: Default master dough recipe, other recipes, mostly from
# The Pizza Bible, custom %, saving custom %
recipes = {'masterdough': {'water': 65, 'salt': 2, 'yeast': 0.1, 'oil': 1},
'chicago': {'water': 60, 'salt': 2, 'yeast': 0.1, 'lard': 1,
'butter': 1}}
# Calculate Baker's percentage
def bakersPercentage(flour, component):
# Pizza calculator with baker's percentage
# Features: Default master dough recipe, other recipes, mostly from
# The Pizza Bible, custom %, saving custom %
recipes = {'masterdough': {'water': 65, 'salt': 2, 'yeast': 0.1, 'oil': 1}}
def bakersPercentage(flour, component):
ingredient = flour * component / 100
return ingredient
# take input, lowercase it, and split by spaces
pieces = input().lower().split()
# determine what type of units to convert
# if kg and g, weight, if km and cm distance etc
# if none or mismatch, return error
# conversion tables
# add variables like kilo kilogram gram etc
conversionsWeight = {'kg': 100, 'g': 1, 'mg': 0.1, 'lbs': 0.002}
# Convert units, for now just kg to lbs and viceversa
# List of all the variables of typing the units
unitKg = ['kg', 'kilogram', 'kilo']
unitLbs = ['lbs', 'pounds', 'freedom units']
# Get number and units to convert
# Split
pieces = input().split()
# Separate number from 'X to Y'
number = pieces[0]
indeedwatson / DARK SOULS III.bat
Created May 1, 2016 15:26
script to launch Dark Souls Auto Backup Tool together with DKS3
:: Use with
@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\DSABT\"
start DSABT.exe
:: If your game is in a different drive as the OS you need to use /d, otherwise
:: just do cd "C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DARK SOUlS III\Game\"
cd /d "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DARK SOULS III\Game\"
start DarkSoulsIII.exe
spam = ['coco', 'balls', 'gold', 'apples', 'bananas', 'tofu', 'cats']
def enumerate(poopoo):
for i in poopoo[:-2]:
dong = i + ', '
print(dong + poopoo[-2] + ' and ' + poopoo[-1])
def collatz(number):
if number %2 == 0:
number = number // 2
return number
number = 3 * number + 1
return number
import random
for i in range(5):
# shortcuts for livestreamer channels and quality
# get channel from list of most watched channels
case "$1" in
santzo) channel=santzo84;;
ohn) channel=outerheaven;;
indeedwatson / lvstrm
Last active March 10, 2016 14:01
script for opening livestreamer with shortcuts
case "$1" in
santzo) channel=santzo84;;
ohn) channel=outerheaven;;
prec) channel=previouslyrecorded_live;;