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Joydeep Bhattacharjee infinite-Joy

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user=> (def plants-in-lalbagh ["Amherstia Nobilis" "Adansonia digitata" "Ficus bengalensis var - krishnae" "Araucaria Cookie" "Bombax Ceiba"])
user=> (nth plants-in-lalbagh 2)
"Ficus bengalensis var - krishnae"
user=> (get plants-in-lalbagh 2)
"Ficus bengalensis var - krishnae"
user=> (conj plants-in-lalbagh "eucalyptus")
["Amherstia Nobilis" "Adansonia digitata" "Ficus bengalensis var - krishnae" "Araucaria Cookie" "Bombax Ceiba" "eucalyptus"]
user=> (def split_str (str/split "Any man whose errors take 10 years to correct is quite the man." #" "))
user=> (str/join ", " split_str)
"Any, man, whose, errors, take, 10, years, to, correct, is, quite, the, man."
extern crate yew;
use yew::prelude::*;
struct Model {
hello: String,
enum Msg {
def neo4j_most_similar(model, key):
with driver.session() as session:
find_movie_query = "MATCH (m:MovieId {name: '%s'}) return id(m)" % key
result =
for r in result:
similar_movies = model.most_similar(str(r.value()))
for s_movie in similar_movies:
find_movie_query = "MATCH (m:MovieId) where id(m) = %s return" % s_movie[0]
similar_movie_names =
for sm in similar_movie_names:
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
filename = 'emb/movies.emb'
model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(filename, binary=False)
with open("emb/movies.emb", "r") as movies_file, driver.session() as session:
reader = csv.reader(movies_file, delimiter=" ")
params = []
for row in reader:
movie_id = row[0]
"id": int(movie_id),
"embedding": [float(item) for item in row[1:]]
print('Create the edge list')
with driver.session() as session, open("graph/movies.edgelist", "w") as edges_file:
result ="""\
MATCH (m:MovieId)--(other)
RETURN id(m) AS source, id(other) AS target
writer = csv.writer(edges_file, delimiter=" ")
for row in result:
print('Create the movieid-belongsto->genres relationship')
with driver.session() as session:
with open('movies.csv') as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=",")
for line in reader:
movieid = line['movieId']
genres = line['genres'].split('|')
movies = {"records": [{'movieId': movieid, 'genres': genres}]}
create_movie_genre_relationship = '''
UNWIND {records} as record
import Dependencies._
lazy val nd4jVersion = "0.7.2"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
organization := "com.example",
scalaVersion := "2.12.5",
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