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inkhorn / enron corpus processing.r
Last active December 27, 2015 03:18
Enron Corpus Processing
# At this point, the python script should have been run,
# creating about 126 thousand txt files. I was very much afraid
# to import that many txt files into the tm package in R (my computer only
inkhorn / enron corpus processing
Created November 5, 2013 03:21
Enron Corpus Processing, version 2
docs = []
from os import listdir, chdir
import re
# Here's the section where I try to filter useless stuff out.
# Notice near the end all of the regex patterns where I've called
# "re.DOTALL". This is pretty key here. What it means is that the
# .+ I have referenced within the regex pattern should be able to
# pick up alphanumeric characters, in addition to newline characters
inkhorn / ltep.r
Created December 13, 2013 04:24
LTEP Survey Analsyis
ltep = read.csv("ltep-survey-results-all.csv")
# Here I flip the scoring
ltep[,13:19] = sapply(ltep[,13:19], function (x) 8 - x)
deal.w.esources = likert(ltep[,13:19])
plot(deal.w.esources, text.size=6, text.color="black") + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(colour="black", face="bold", size=14), axis.text.y=element_text(colour="black", face="bold", size=14), axis.title.x=element_text(colour="black", face="bold", size=14), plot.title=element_text(size=18, face="bold")) + ggtitle("What guidelines should Ontario use\n for its future mix of energy sources?")
# ****Introduction****
# Data analysis is like an interview. In any interview, the interviewer hopes to use a series of
# questions in order to discover a story. The questions the interviewer asks, of course, are
# subjectively chosen. As such, the story that one interviewer gets out of an interviewee might
# be fairly different from the story that another interviewer gets out of the same person. In the
# same way, the commands (and thus the analysis) below are not the only way of analyzing the data.
# When you understand what the commands are doing, you might decide to take a different approach
# to analyzing the data. Please do so, and be sure to share what you find!
recipes = readLines('recipes combined.tsv')
# Once I read it into R, I have to get rid of the /t
# characters so that it's more acceptable to the tm package = apply(as.matrix(recipes), 1, function (x) gsub('\t',' ', x))
recipes.corpus = Corpus(VectorSource(
recipes.dtm = DocumentTermMatrix(recipes.corpus)
import os
rfiles = os.listdir('.')
rc = []
for f in rfiles:
if '.txt' in f:
# The recipes come in 3 txt files consisting of 1 recipe per line, the
# cuisine of the recipe as the first entry in the line, and all subsequent ingredient
# entries separated by a tab
infile = open(f, 'r')
libraries = read.csv("ontario_library_stats_2010.csv")
libraries$isFN = ifelse(libraries$Library.Service.Type == "First Nations Library",1,0)
# Here we create the 'proportionate' versions of all the variables
libraries[,143:265] = sapply(libraries[,20:142], function (x) x/libraries[,13])
names(libraries)[143:265] = paste(names(libraries)[20:142], "P",sep=".")
inkhorn / cellphone analysis.R
Created April 6, 2015 20:47
Cell Phone Analysis
cp = fromJSON(txt = "Cell Phone Data.txt", simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
num.atts = c(4,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,22)
cp[,num.atts] = sapply(cp[,num.atts], function (x) as.numeric(x))
cp$aspect.ratio = cp$att_pixels_y / cp$att_pixels_x
cp$isSmartPhone = ifelse(grepl("smart|iphone|blackberry", cp$name, == TRUE | cp$att_screen_size >= 4, "Yes", "No")