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Rareș Nistor (Razz) itisrazza

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1wErt3r / SMBDIS.ASM
Created November 9, 2012 22:27
A Comprehensive Super Mario Bros. Disassembly
;by doppelganger (
;This file is provided for your own use as-is. It will require the character rom data
;and an iNES file header to get it to work.
;There are so many people I have to thank for this, that taking all the credit for
;myself would be an unforgivable act of arrogance. Without their help this would
;probably not be possible. So I thank all the peeps in the nesdev scene whose insight into
;the 6502 and the NES helped me learn how it works (you guys know who you are, there's no
olasd /
Created March 28, 2014 19:58
Stream video to youtube via ffmpeg
#! /bin/bash
# Diffusion youtube avec ffmpeg
# Configurer youtube avec une résolution 720p. La vidéo n'est pas scalée.
VBR="2500k" # Bitrate de la vidéo en sortie
FPS="30" # FPS de la vidéo en sortie
QUAL="medium" # Preset de qualité FFMPEG
YOUTUBE_URL="rtmp://" # URL de base RTMP youtube
domenic /
Last active May 26, 2024 07:43
Auto-deploying built products to gh-pages with Travis

Auto-deploying built products to gh-pages with GitHub Actions

This is a set up for projects which want to check in only their source files, but have their gh-pages branch automatically updated with some compiled output every time they push.

A file below this one contains the steps for doing this with Travis CI. However, these days I recommend GitHub Actions, for the following reasons:

  • It is much easier and requires less steps, because you are already authenticated with GitHub, so you don't need to share secret keys across services like you do when coordinate Travis CI and GitHub.
  • It is free, with no quotas.
  • Anecdotally, builds are much faster with GitHub Actions than with Travis CI, especially in terms of time spent waiting for a builder.
nickytonline /
Last active April 27, 2024 00:44
Customizing VS Code for Two Fonts.

Customizing VS Code

I followed the instructions in this blog post Multiple Fonts: Alternative to Operator Mono in VSCode, but did not see any changes made to VS Code. After digging a bit, I discovered that all the CSS class names had changed. They’re now e.g. .mtk13, .mtk16 { … }.


  • Ensure it’s a file URL e.g. { "vscode_custom_css.imports": [ "file:///Users/Brian/Desktop/vscode-style.css" ] }
  • If you move the location of your file and update your user settings with the new location, you will need to disable and enable custom CSS cmd+shift+p.
  • Also, anytime you change the style in your custom CSS file, you need to disable, then re-enable the extension.

For reference