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domain: automation
name: Low battery detection & notification for all battery sensors
description: >-
Regularly test all sensors with 'battery' device-class for crossing
a certain battery level threshold and if so execute an action.
***Blueprint Revision:*** *7 / 2023-01-04*
itn3rd77 /
Last active March 26, 2023 13:06
Victron Venus Modifications

MQTT disable keep-alive

In order to avoid a lot of traffic to Victron cloud server, a keep-alive mechanism exists. The default keep-alive interval is 60 seconds. If a keep-alive is not received within that 60-second interval, notifications will be stopped until another keepalive is received.

To update my Home Assistant Mosquitto MQTT server the keep-alive will be disabled. In order to disable the keep-alive edit /opt/victronenergy/service-templates/dbus-mqtt/run and add --keep-alive 0 to the end of the last line.

vi /opt/victronenergy/service-templates/dbus-mqtt/run
