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Created October 16, 2017 04:24
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Binary Ninja subleq plugin
from binaryninja import (Architecture, RegisterInfo, InstructionInfo,
InstructionTextToken, InstructionTextTokenType, InstructionTextTokenContext,
LowLevelILOperation, LLIL_TEMP,
PluginCommand, BackgroundTaskThread,
import struct
def hexr(a):
if a == 0x4:
return 'UserInput'
if a == 0x8:
return 'Output'
if a == 0xc:
return 'ReadBool'
if a == 0x10:
return 'WriteBool'
if a == 0x3d00:
return '*1'
return hex(a)
# Helper function to make tokens easier to make
def makeToken(tokenType, text, data=None):
tokenType = {
if data is None:
return InstructionTextToken(tokenType, text)
return InstructionTextToken(tokenType, text, data)
class Subleq(Architecture):
name = "subleq"
address_size = 4
default_int_size = 4
max_instr_length = 12 # Each instruction is 3 dwords
# SP register is required, even if we are not going to use it
regs = {'sp': RegisterInfo('sp', 2)}
stack_pointer = 'sp'
def perform_get_instruction_info(self,data,addr):
# If we can't decode an instruction return None
if len(data) < 12:
return None
# Unpack our operands from the data
a,b,c = struct.unpack('<3I',data[:12])
# Create the InstructionInfo object for our instruction
res = InstructionInfo()
res.length = 12
if c != 0:
if b == a:
# Unconditional branch jumps to integer index c
res.add_branch(BranchType.UnconditionalBranch, c*4)
# True branch jumps to integer index c
res.add_branch(BranchType.TrueBranch, c*4)
# False branch continues to next instruction
res.add_branch(BranchType.FalseBranch, addr + 12)
return res
def perform_get_instruction_text(self, data, addr):
# If we can't decode an instruction return None
if len(data) < 12:
return None
# Unpack our operands from the data
a,b,c = struct.unpack('<3I',data[:4*3])
tokens = []
# Check for invalid instructions that would crash
if b*4 >= 0x4400 or a*4 >= 0x4400:
tokens = []
tokens.append(makeToken('i', '{:7s}'.format('invalid')))
return tokens, 4*3
# Clear instruction to be less verbose
# clear [B]
elif a == b:
tokens = []
tokens.append(makeToken('i', '{:7s}'.format('clear')))
tokens.append(makeToken('t', '['))
tokens.append(makeToken('a', hexr(b*4), b*4))
tokens.append(makeToken('t', ']'))
# Normal sub instruction
# sub [B], [A]
tokens.append(makeToken('i', '{:7s}'.format('sub')))
tokens.append(makeToken('t', '['))
tokens.append(makeToken('a', hexr(b*4), b*4))
tokens.append(makeToken('t', ']'))
tokens.append(makeToken('s', ', '))
tokens.append(makeToken('t', '['))
tokens.append(makeToken('a', hexr(a*4), a*4))
tokens.append(makeToken('t', ']'))
# Unconditional jump
# ; jmp C
if c != 0 and b == a:
tokens.append(makeToken('s', '; '))
tokens.append(makeToken('i', '{:7s}'.format('jmp')))
tokens.append(makeToken('a', hex(c*4), c*4))
# Conditional jump
# ; jmp C if [B] <= 0
elif c != 0:
tokens.append(makeToken('s', '; '))
tokens.append(makeToken('i', '{:7s}'.format('jmp')))
tokens.append(makeToken('a', hex(c*4), c*4))
tokens.append(makeToken('s', ' if '))
tokens.append(makeToken('t', '['))
tokens.append(makeToken('a', hex(b*4), b*4))
tokens.append(makeToken('t', ']'))
tokens.append(makeToken('t', ' <= 0'))
return tokens, 4*3
# Full LLIL lifting for subleq
def perform_get_instruction_low_level_il(self, data, addr, il):
# If we can't decode an instruction return None
if len(data) < 12:
return None
# Unpack our operands from the data
a,b,c = struct.unpack('<3I',data[:4*3])
# If this instruction would crash, ignore it
if b*4 >= 0x4400 or a*4 >= 0x4400:
return 4*3
# A, B, and C as pointers
addr_a = il.const_pointer(4, a*4)
addr_b = il.const_pointer(4, a*4)
addr_c = il.const_pointer(4, c*4)
# mem[A] and mem[B] pointers
mem_a = il.load(4, addr_a)
mem_b = il.load(4, addr_b)
# For a clear instruction just store 0
if a == b:
# *B = 0
store_b =, addr_b, il.const(4,0))
# For normal operation, construct a subtraction
# *B = *B - *A
sub_op = il.sub(4, mem_b, mem_a)
store_b =, addr_b, sub_op)
# Unconditional jump
if c != 0 and b == a:
# goto C
jmp = il.jump(addr_c)
# Conditional jump
elif c != 0:
# See if we have marked the True jump target before
t_target = il.get_label_for_address(Architecture['subleq'],
il[il.const_pointer(4, c*4)].constant)
# Create the False jump label
f_target = LowLevelILLabel()
# If we have to create a jump IL for the True target
indirect = t_target is None
if indirect:
t_target = LowLevelILLabel()
less_op = il.compare_signed_less_equal(4, mem_b, il.const(4, 0))
if_op = il.if_expr(less_op, t_target, f_target)
# We need to create a jump to the true target if it doesn't exist
if indirect:
jmp = il.jump(addr_c)
# Last is the fall though for the false target
return 12
def markModifiableCode(bv, func):
# Loop over all instructions in the function
for t in (t for bb in func.basic_blocks for t in bb.disassembly_text):
# Find our sub tokens
if not t.tokens[0].text.startswith('sub '):
addr = t.tokens[2].value
# Check if the address is in a basic block
bbs = bv.get_basic_blocks_at(addr)
if len(bbs) == 0:
# Check that this address really is an instruction
for tt in bbs[0].disassembly_text:
if addr - tt.address >= 3 or addr - tt.address < 0:
# Highlight it and add comments
bbs[0].function.set_comment_at(tt.address, "Modified by 0x%x"%t.address)
func.set_comment_at(t.address, "Modifies code at 0x%x"%tt.address)
PluginCommand.register_for_function('Subleq check modifiable code', 'subleq', markModifiableCode)
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