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itszn /
Created August 1, 2017 17:25

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am itszn on github.
  • I am itszn ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAk2FcK4Zc6VAbULYP0m6uMVMTTBV1Cjr5QEL-4YsLlzgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

itszn / gist:5c6030addaecd041af522a77975e986d
Created December 21, 2016 20:27
Super fast hex encoding
from timeit import timeit
from ctypes import *
libc = CDLL('')
s = "e810000000303132333435363738394142434445465b803f007437c6065c48ffc6c6067848ffc68a074825ff00000048c1e8044801d88a00880648ffc68a074883e00f4801d88a00880648ffc648ffc7ebc4c3".decode('hex')
#s = "\xc3"
libc.memcpy(0x400000, c_char_p(s),len(s))
itszn /
Last active November 6, 2016 23:56
Just In Time

Just in Time

300 point
Andrew Fasano


This challenge can be solved by exploiting the time change from EDT to EST that will happen on Nov 6.

itszn / README.txt
Created November 6, 2016 23:31
Fox Sim
This challenge was a source only pwnable based on a aliasing bug with -O2. Also not all the source code was given.
Intended solution outline:
- In the source in assignVotes, a voter and a candidate can become aliased, and -02 optimization causes an incorrect return value.
o If the person is the same as the candidate, it sets the voteMessage to a constant string, which should change votesToGive as well, but the return is incorrect, so it instead returns the original votesToGive value.
o Then when going to print the error message, it instead tries print the votes (if it is > than the address of main)
o This will print what ever point is given, allowing memory to be leaked up to a null
- Now with an arbitrary read, we can dump the binary and reverse the missing code.
- We can also leak libc addresses and dump libc (or take it from some other challenge)
itszn / README.txt
Created November 6, 2016 23:25
The Wall
This challenge required that you write cheats for a minecraft clone to bypass a large wall
There are tons of ways to solve this, but here was the main idea.
- There was a function that would on the client side return if a player has certain privileges.
- Most of these were checked by the server as well, with the exception of fly and noclip (and speed walk to an extent)
o Also note, I didn't modify the server to ignore these, Minetest servers just do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- You can patch this function to return true, and the client can now toggle these abilities.
However the binary had extra anti-cheat built in