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Pondering my orb

Jacob Martin j-j-m

Pondering my orb
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Miiha / Interface.swift
Last active July 14, 2021 06:25
UNUserNotificationCenter modelled with simple data types using's approach of designing dependencies.
import Foundation
import UserNotifications
import Combine
import CoreLocation
public struct UserNotificationClient {
public var add: (UNNotificationRequest) -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error>
public var getAuthStatus: () -> AnyPublisher<UNAuthorizationStatus, Never>
public var getDeliveredNotifications: () -> AnyPublisher<[Notification], Never>
public var getNotificationCategories: () -> AnyPublisher<Set<UNNotificationCategory>, Never>
brandosha /
Last active May 29, 2024 05:21
Real time reflections in SceneKit using Metal

Using the ReflectionSession Class for Real Time Reflections in SceneKit

First, create a new ReflectionSession implementation with your SCNView object. Note: You only need one ReflectionSession object at a time.

let reflectionSession = ReflectionSession(inView: scnView)

Then, add the nodes that you want to be reflective to the ReflectionSession using the addNode(_:roughness:) method. Because .physicallyBased materials won't work, the roughness value will determine how much to blur the cubemap images, simulating a roughness effect.

reflectionSession.addNode(node2, roughness: 0.2)
/// Translation of [Peter Norvig's spell checker]( into Swift 3.
/// Sample input corpus [here](
/// Swift 2 version:
import Foundation // purely for IO, most things done with Swift.String
/// Given a word, produce a set of possible alternatives with
/// letters transposed, deleted, replaced or rogue characters inserted
func edits(word: String) -> Set<String> {
if word.isEmpty { return [] }
eoghain / CustomInteractiveAnimationNavigationController.swift
Last active September 21, 2023 07:33
UINavigationController that implements swipe to push/pop in an interactive animation. Just implement the InteractiveNavigation protocol on your ViewControllers you add to the nav stack to get custom transitions. Or implement a single animation and return it instead of the nil's in the UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate and all transitions wil…
import UIKit
protocol InteractiveNavigation {
var presentAnimation: UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? { get }
var dismissAnimation: UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? { get }
func showNext()
enum SwipeDirection: CGFloat, CustomStringConvertible {
paul-delange / GIFDownloader.h
Created November 18, 2012 09:10
Convert remote GIF into something MPMoviePlayerController can use
// GIFDownloader.h
// TheJoysOfCode
// Created by Bob on 29/10/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Tall Developments. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>