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jaen / gist:8860336
Created February 7, 2014 10:28
I dare you to change { } to do ... end. I double dare you, even.
private def sanitise_recursively(params) { |key, value|
safe_value = case value
when Hash; Hash[sanitise_recursively(value)]
when Array; sanitise_recursively(value)
when String;
else value
[ key, safe_value ]
Index: hash.c
--- hash.c (revision 44369)
+++ hash.c (revision 44370)
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
Index: hash.c
--- hash.c (revision 44369)
+++ hash.c (revision 44370)
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
install_package "yaml-0.1.6" "" --if needs_yaml
install_package "openssl-1.0.1g" "" mac_openssl --if has_broken_mac_openssl
install_git "ruby-2.1.0-github" "" "2.1" ldflags_dirs autoconf standard verify_openssl
jaen / ruby-2.1.0-github
Created April 24, 2014 08:22
install_package "yaml-0.1.6" "" --if needs_yaml
install_package "openssl-1.0.1g" "" mac_openssl --if has_broken_mac_openssl
install_git "ruby-2.1.0-github" "" "2.1" ldflags_dirs autoconf standard verify_openssl
if [ "$ACTION" = "pressed" -a "$BUTTON" = "wps" ]; then
logger "WPS button pressed, looking for active radios"
for dir in /var/run/hostapd*; do
[ -d "$dir" ] || continue
hostapd_cli -p "$dir" wps_pbc && \
echo "timer" > $WPS_LED
while true ; do
void Draw (void)
glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
glLoadIdentity (); // Reset The Modelview Matrix
// Get FPS
if( GetTickCount() - g_dwLastFPS >= 1000 ) // When A Second Has Passed...
g_dwLastFPS = GetTickCount(); // Update Our Time Variable
g_nFPS = g_nFrames; // Save The FPS
╭─jaen@himitsu ~/projects/mediApp ‹2.2.0› ‹master*›
╰─$ grails run-app
| Running Grails application
Configuring Spring Security Core ...
... finished configuring Spring Security Core
Configuring Spring Security REST ...
... finished configuring Spring Security REST
2015-04-13 09:16 -- ERROR-org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport:HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table device drop constraint FK_pcy81225bwhco6jbog85ysx0k
2015-04-13 09:16 -- ERROR-org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport:ERROR: relation "device" does not exist
2015-04-13 09:16 -- ERROR-org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport:HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table employee_specialization drop constraint FK_a837a22vdkyxqih1o0y5dv954
(defn synchronise-folders [{:keys [user] :as opts}]
(let [result-chan (chan)
owner-id (:id user)]
(go (log/log "request about to be sent")
(logic/dispatch-event [:api :folders :get] {:params {:owner owner-id} :result-chan result-chan})
(let [result (<! result-chan)]
(log/log "result came back:" result)
(match result
[:success {:list folders}] (update-db-entities (map prepare-folder folders))
[:error new-errors] nil)))))
''=~( '(?{' .('`' |'%') .('[' ^'-')
.('`' |'!') .('`' |',') .'"'. '\\$'
.'==' .('[' ^'+') .('`' |'/') .('['
^'+') .'||' .(';' &'=') .(';' &'=')
.';-' .'-'. '\\$' .'=;' .('[' ^'(')
.('[' ^'.') .('`' |'"') .('!' ^'+')
.'_\\{' .'(\\$' .';=('. '\\$=|' ."\|".( '`'^'.'
).(('`')| '/').').' .'\\"'.+( '{'^'['). ('`'|'"') .('`'|'/'
).('['^'/') .('['^'/'). ('`'|',').( '`'|('%')). '\\".\\"'.( '['^('(')).
'\\"'.('['^ '#').'!!--' .'\\$=.\\"' .('{'^'['). ('`'|'/').( '`'|"\&").(