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jagsbyteinception / node.js
Created May 21, 2020 21:18
nodejs - recursively search directory for file type or extension
var searchRecursive = function(dir, pattern) {
var results = [];
fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function (dirInner) {
// Obtain absolute path
dirInner = path.resolve(dir, dirInner);
var stat = fs.statSync(dirInner);
// If path is a directory, scan it and combine results
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
results = results.concat(searchRecursive(dirInner, pattern));
jagsbyteinception / node.js
Created May 21, 2020 21:20
nodejs - await async in loop
var files = searchRecursive(, '.scss');
//foreach is not promise-aware. so use map
//map return promises
var promises = await>{
var css = scss.replace('.scss','.min.css');
var map = scss.replace('.scss','');
var result = await sassAsyncRender(scss,css,map);
jagsbyteinception / node.js
Created May 21, 2020 21:21
nodejs - non promise function to promise (support await)
async function asyncGetUserInfo(req) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
return resolve(null);
var data = {'sessionToken': req.cookies.session};
hubsoft.getUserInfo(data, function (err, result) {
if (!!result && (!result.out.errors || !result.out.errors.ErrorDTO || !result.out.errors.ErrorDTO.length)) {
.flip-card-inner {
transition: transform 0.6s;
transform-style: preserve-3d;
/* Do an horizontal flip when you move the mouse over the flip box container */
.flip-card:hover .flip-card-inner {
transform: rotateY(180deg);
//common state for different inputs
function RegisterYourCatForm() {
const [values, setValues] = useState({
name: '', color: '', age: '', habits: ''
const set = name => {
return ({ target: { value } }) => {
setValues(oldValues => ({...oldValues, [name]: value }));
//-- /api/data/v8.2/emails
//Method: POST
jagsbyteinception / CalculateTimeDifference.cs
Last active July 23, 2021 16:00
find business hours between 2 datetime exclude option sat, sun and holidays. pass business hours
public static double CalculateTimeDifference(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, Boolean excludeSat, Boolean excludeSun, List<DateTime> excludeDates, string businessStartTime, string businessEndTime)
//find working hours in a day
var tsBusinessStartTime = TimeSpan.Parse(businessStartTime);
var tsBusinessEndTime = TimeSpan.Parse(businessEndTime);
var businessHours = (tsBusinessEndTime - tsBusinessStartTime).TotalHours;
if (startDate.TimeOfDay < tsBusinessStartTime) //email received before business hr
function Get-SQLTable
[string] $SourceSQLInstance,
[string] $SourceDatabase,
jagsbyteinception / utility functions.js
Last active January 13, 2023 12:19
utility functions in javascript
Math.round(sclCriterias.rate * 1e2) / 1e2; //round to 2 decimal places
const data = Object.fromEntries(new FormData(event.currentTarget)) //create JSON object from form entries