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jagtalon / Look out!
Created March 14, 2014 14:08
### Things that you need to look out for:
**Function:** Is the information shown in the instant answer better than using a regular organic link below?
**Relevancy:** Does the instant answer return relevant data from the source?
**Triggering:** Can you think of other ways of triggering the instant answer? (e.g. "calling codes for panama", "calling codes in panama", "panama calling codes")
**Adult:** Is the instant answer effectively not showing adult words or content by default (safe-search on)? There shouldn't be any adult imagery or profanity in instant answers.
### Things that you need to look out for:
**Function:** Is the information shown in the instant answer better than using a regular organic link below?
**Relevancy:** Does the instant answer return relevant data from the source?
**Triggering:** Can you think of other ways of triggering the instant answer? (e.g. "calling codes for panama", "calling codes in panama", "panama calling codes")
**Adult:** Is the instant answer effectively not showing adult words or content by default (safe-search on)? There shouldn't be any adult imagery or profanity in instant answers.

Things that you need to look out for:

Function: Is the information shown in the instant answer better than using a regular organic link below?

Relevancy: Does the instant answer return relevant data from the source?

Triggering: Can you think of other ways of triggering the instant answer? (e.g. "calling codes for panama", "calling codes in panama", "panama calling codes")

Adult: Is the instant answer effectively not showing adult words or content by default (safe-search on)? There shouldn't be any adult imagery or profanity in instant answers.

cd ~/
echo -e "\nexport PERLBREW_ROOT=~/perl5" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo -e 'source ${PERLBREW_ROOT}/etc/bashrc' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "Extracting file ..."
tar -xf Codio.tar.bz2
use std::io::{Command, stdin};
fn main() {
loop {
print!("$ ");
let mut input: String = stdin().read_line().unwrap();
input = input.as_slice().trim().to_string();
if input.as_slice() == "" {
use std::io::Command;
fn main() {
let mut process = match Command::new("ping").arg("").spawn() {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(e) => panic!("{}", e),
print!("{}", process.stdout.as_mut().unwrap().read_to_string().unwrap());
package DDG::Spice::DuckSay;
use DDG::Spice;
name 'DuckSay';
description 'Like cowsay, but with ducks';
primary_example_queries 'ducksay', 'daxsays';
secondary_example_queries 'ducksay quack!', 'daxsays quack!';
source 'Reddit /r/jokes';
category 'entertainment';
#### New Instant Answers:
- InstantAnswer
#### Updates:
- InstantAnswer: Whatever changed. [#1234](
"events": [
"id": "54045581c8be8fd955e23922",
"source_name": "",
"name": "Museum Tour",
"end_date": "2015-04-10T23:59:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"image_small_url": "",
"start_date": "2015-04-10T00:00:00.000Z",