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Hey! I'm Lashit Jain. I worked with the RoboComp this summer.

Google Summer of Code'17

Project Summary

Organization: Robocomp

Project Title: Learning Algorithms for Efficient Planning

Consider a situation where a robot has to move a teapot from kitchen to a room. It can do this task by performing some actions. The problem is that in practical situations we have huge number of actions to consider. The solution therefore is to select relevant actions from the action set. Like in our example, for transferring teapot from kitchen to a room, picking up microwave is less relevant as compared to picking up teapot. For more information, read this.

In this project we make an attempt to solve the situation described above by learning relevancy of actions. We use Naive Bayes Classifier to learn the relevancy of actions.

#include <mpi.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Initialize the MPI environment
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
#include <mpi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Initialize the MPI environment
host: lashit-mac.local
mpiexec options:
Base path: /Users/lashitjain/Applications/mpich-install/bin/
Launcher: (null)
Debug level: 1
Enable X: -1
makedepend -- main.c memory.c output.c parse.c expressions.c inst_pre.c inst_easy.c inst_hard.c inst_final.c relax.c search.c utility.c libff.c memory.c output.c parse.c expressions.c inst_pre.c inst_easy.c inst_hard.c inst_final.c relax.c search.c utility.c lex.fct_pddl.c lex.ops_pddl.c test_main.cxx
makedepend: warning: cannot open ""
makedepend: warning: cannot open ""
makedepend: warning: cannot open ""
makedepend: warning: cannot open "lex.fct_pddl.c"
makedepend: warning: cannot open "lex.ops_pddl.c"
makedepend: warning: test_main.cxx, line 3: cannot find include file "iostream"
not in /usr/include/iostream
makedepend: warning: test_main.cxx, line 4: cannot find include file "fstream"
not in /usr/include/fstream
scan-fct_pddl.y:887:6: error: conflicting types for 'fcterr'
void fcterr( int errno, char *par ) {
scan-fct_pddl.y:194:3: note: previous implicit declaration is here