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Jacob M jake9000

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jdhitsolutions / Get-AVStatus.ps1
Last active February 17, 2024 23:33
This PowerShell function uses WMI via the Get-CimInstance command to query the state of installed anti-virus products.
#requires -version 5.1
Function Get-AVStatus {
Get anti-virus product information.
This command uses WMI via the Get-CimInstance command to query the state of installed anti-virus products. The default behavior is to only display enabled products, unless you use -All. You can query by computername or existing CIMSessions.
mark05e / Remove-HPbloatware.ps1
Last active July 24, 2024 20:49
Remove HP bloatware
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satyendrakumarsingh / pluralsight-auto-next-module.js
Last active December 15, 2022 14:01
Pluralsight Auto Continue Script - Updated Script for Pluralsight Auto Next Module
let autoNext = () => {
.filter(b => b.textContent === 'Continue to next module')
.forEach(b =>;
setInterval(autoNext, 2500);