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Jakub Hajek jakubhajek

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# Maintainer: Jakub Hajek,
# docker stack deploy -c stack-elastic.yml elastic
# The stack creates Elasticsearch cluster consiting of
# - 3 dedicated master nodes in order to keep quorum
# - 4 dedicated data nodes to manage CRUD,
# - 2 coordination node acting like kind of load balancer in multi instance environments
jakubhajek /
Created February 18, 2022 10:52
Traefik 2.6 webinar

Audience Questions from the 2.6 Webinar

Q: Hans Asks: Is 2.6 backward compatible? In other words, can I use a 2.5 configuration and use that with 2.6 without changing anything?

A: Yes, the Traefik 2.6 is backward compatible with the 2.5 version. However, please ensure that all CRD’s are updated before upgrading to the latest version. In the 2.6 releases we have added the new TCP middleware and that the TCP middleware CRD has to be updated. The good practice is to always keep the CRD’s up to date.

Q: Sascha asks: Is secret Management within Deployment with Vault only possible via Kubernetes or is Docker Swarm fully supported?

A: Based on my best knowledge Docker Swarm supports Vault for secret management but personally I don’t have experience with such integration.

jakubhajek / ingress.yaml
Created February 25, 2022 09:25
Traefik Ingressroute OIDC and JWT
kind: IngressRoute
name: app-tls
namespace: app
- websecure
jakubhajek / stack-nfs.yml
Created October 15, 2019 10:17
Docker Swarm, an example stack file with NFS volume
# docker stack deploy -c stack-nfs.yml nfs
# This is an example compose file with data volume mounted from remote server via NFS protocol
version: "3.7"
image: nginx:1.17
jakubhajek /
Last active July 3, 2023 03:37
Gettting Started with Traefik on Kubernetes, Workshop #1, Q&A

1. I am interested in monitoring traefik with Datadog. Is this workshop with this topic?

There is no dedicated workshop with the monitoring Traefik by using Datadog. I’ve found in Datadog docs how to configure DataDog Agent and tune Traefik configuration to collect the data. However, I’ve not tested that setup.

2. In terms of Capabilities, how would Traefik provide a value add over some in-built services such as Azure LB or App Gateway?

Here are just a few of advantages by using Traefik:

# Maintainer: Jakub Hajek,
# docker stack deploy -c stack-elastic.yml elastic
# The stack creates Elasticsearch cluster consiting of
# - 3 dedicated master nodes in order to keep quorum
# - 4 dedicated data nodes to manage CRUD,
# Docker compose file to easily deploy Elasticsearch cluster 7.x on Docker Swarm cluster.
jakubhajek / stack-canary.yml
Created March 16, 2020 12:19
The example of canary deployment using Traefik 2.x
# docker stack deploy -c stack-canary.yml canary --with-registry-auth --prune
version: "3.7"
image: jakubhajek/app1-node:v1
test: wget --quiet --tries=1 --spider http://localhost:3000/ || exit 1
interval: 3s
timeout: 1s