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Jakub Hajek jakubhajek

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# docker stack deploy -c stack-app.yml app --with-registry-auth --prune
version: "3.7"
image: jakubhajek/nodejs-backend:latest
test: wget --quiet --tries=1 --spider http://localhost:3000/ || exit 1
interval: 3s
timeout: 1s
jakubhajek / middlewares.toml
Last active October 9, 2020 18:20
The configuration of Traefik v2 that can be defined dynamically
scheme = "https"
permanent = true
AccessControlAllowMethods = ["GET", "OPTIONS", "PUT"]
AccessControlAllowOrigin = "origin-list-or-null"
# docker stack deploy -c stack-tr-main.yml traefik --prune
version: "3.7"
image: traefik:v2.1.2
test: wget --quiet --tries=1 --spider || exit 1
interval: 3s
timeout: 1s
# Maintainer: Jakub Hajek,
# docker stack deploy -c stack-elastic.yml elastic
# The stack creates Elasticsearch cluster consiting of
# - 3 dedicated master nodes in order to keep quorum
# - 4 dedicated data nodes to manage CRUD,
# Docker compose file to easily deploy Elasticsearch cluster 7.x on Docker Swarm cluster.
jakubhajek / README
Created November 15, 2019 10:28
Fingerprint in Logstash
We use Logstash to transform specific business logs that don't contain any unique value which could be used to calculate fingerprint in order to avoid duplicates. That's why we calculate fingerprints with the entire document/log.
That approach works correctly for the same document which has been sent once again to Logstash we received the same fingerprints which are expecting behavior.
Please see the below steps to replicate that issue.
I attached logstash.conf which is a simple pipeline calculating fingerprint and saving the output in a file.
1. Run Logstash instance:
docker run -p 41311:41311 -v ${PWD}/pipeline/:/usr/share/logstash/pipeline logstash:6.8.4
jakubhajek / stack-nfs.yml
Created October 15, 2019 10:17
Docker Swarm, an example stack file with NFS volume
# docker stack deploy -c stack-nfs.yml nfs
# This is an example compose file with data volume mounted from remote server via NFS protocol
version: "3.7"
image: nginx:1.17
# Maintainer: Jakub Hajek,
# docker stack deploy -c stack-elastic.yml elastic
# The stack creates Elasticsearch cluster consiting of
# - 3 dedicated master nodes in order to keep quorum
# - 4 dedicated data nodes to manage CRUD,
# - 2 coordination node acting like kind of load balancer in multi instance environments