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Thanks for the email and nice to read from you,i can assure you of the viewing but i will like to discuss some thing with you, as you know am in Ireland currently and before i can come down for the viewing i will like to see a proof of your financial capacity and to know how serious you are in need of the property because i have been fooled so many times and i will not let that to happen to me again, Been fooled by several tenant telling me to come from Ireland to London to show them my property but when i got there for the viewing they will never show up and when i called there phone they will keep on banging the phone on me so it has been a very sad and disappointing occasion for me and i waste alot of money also for transport when coming for the viewing, so i don't want that to happen to me anymore,well this is what you will have to do for me before i can come down for the viewing, If you have a partner or friend in UK,what you will have to do is to locate a western union money transfer around you
== Before
Event checking for duplicates
- should not be flagged as a possible duplicate if there's an event with same date but different title
- should not be flagged as a possible duplicate if there's an event with same title but different date
- should be flagged as a possible duplicate if there is an event with same date and similar title
- should ignore case
- should be done on save
- should not use itself as a duplicate
== Now
class Test
def self.test
hash = {:entry => ""}
array = []
array << self.test2(hash)
array << self.test2(hash)
array << self.test2(hash)
array << self.test2(hash)
array << self.test2(hash)
Skill Requirements
As with any geek event, the skill levels required to attend Young Rewired State has been a source of concern for many people. This is totally normal when people first approach a geek group, but very rarely a genuine issue once you arrive. 
So here is a brief clarification.
We're not so much looking for skills but rather a mind set. A good indicator of this to us would be you have done *something* hacky. Here's a brief list of things we'd consider a good indicator: (anything from this list is a sign you're excited by technology, and is by no means complete)
* Made a website with at least an understanding of the HTML and/or CSS used
At my new job, we play with maps and do crazy things with spacial data storage. We use the PostreSQL database with PostGIS on top.
Whilst I'm not particularly involved in the development of these things, I do require to have it up and running to develop on the same application. So my first day at my new job wasn't very fun when I had to spend half of it figuring out this PostGIS thing. I never liked Databases (I'm still pushing for flat file storage in our apps), and this new foreign language was very hard, especially seeing as I immediately placed as head of Macintosh support at the company (both of them).
There were a few solutions out there, and I got myself in a pickle switching between custom builds, ports and binaries, unsure about what was what, and which path to go down.
I've now done it a few times, and this is what I find works for me:
1. Install the ["Unix Compatability Frameworks"][1] ([Direct Link][2]) by [Kyng Chaos][3]
2. From the Kyng Chaos [Postres Page][4] install [PostreSQL][5] (You migh
last_response = `curl`.gsub(/\d/,"")
while true
current_response = `curl`.gsub(/\d/,"")
unless last_response == current_response
`say aaaaaaaaaaaaarrgh steevie`
last_response = current_response
sleep 10
Hi Jonathan,
Just a quick mail to see if you could be looking for work at the moment or know anyone who could be?
I have a couple of roles that I am trying to fill a the moment.
Many Thanks,
class Array
def split_into(n)
(0...(s = (self.size.to_f/n).ceil)-1).inject([]) { |m, i| m << self.slice(s * i, s); m }
class Array
def split_into(n)
size = (self.size.to_f/n).ceil
result = []
git clone --depth 1 /var/www/apps/pms_accounting_production/releases/20081022164022 && cd /var/www/apps/pms_accounting_production/releases/20081022164022 && git checkout -b deploy '0ee2741c2e0dca51bcc76c1fe01a818d04ae02b8' && (echo 0ee2741c2e0dca51bcc76c1fe01a818d04ae02b8 > /var/www/apps/pms_accounting_production/releases/20081022164022/REVISION)
Initialized empty Git repository in /var/www/apps/pms_accounting_production/releases/20081022164022/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 4310, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3673/3673), done.
remote: Total 4310 (delta 335), reused 3992 (delta 278)
Receiving objects: 100% (4310/4310), 7.72 MiB | 501 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (335/335), done.
fatal: reference is not a tree: 0ee2741c2e0dca51bcc76c1fe01a818d04ae02b8