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jordelver / gist:3139365
Created July 18, 2012 22:29
How to write an image file to an SD card under Mac OS X (for Raspberry Pi)

Find the SD card device

In this case, the SD card is /dev/disk4. DO NOT get this wrong or you may destroy all the data on the wrong disk/card/drive.

diskutil list

   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *160.0 GB   disk0

1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1

micho / nginx.conf
Last active September 29, 2023 16:38 — forked from unixcharles/nginx.conf
nginx config for http/https proxy to localhost:3000
First, install nginx for mac with "brew install nginx".
Then follow homebrew's instructions to know where the config file is.
1. To use https you will need a self-signed certificate:
2. Copy it somewhere (use full path in the example below for server.* files)
3. sudo nginx -s reload
4. Access https://localhost/
Edit /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:
ernestom / export-tickets.go
Created December 22, 2011 22:44
Exports Assembla Tickets to GitHub Issues.
// Exports Assembla tickets in XML format to GitHub issues.
// Usage: $ ./export-tickets path/to/tickets.xml repository_name
package main
import (
chitchcock /
Created October 12, 2011 15:53
Stevey's Google Platforms Rant

Stevey's Google Platforms Rant

I was at Amazon for about six and a half years, and now I've been at Google for that long. One thing that struck me immediately about the two companies -- an impression that has been reinforced almost daily -- is that Amazon does everything wrong, and Google does everything right. Sure, it's a sweeping generalization, but a surprisingly accurate one. It's pretty crazy. There are probably a hundred or even two hundred different ways you can compare the two companies, and Google is superior in all but three of them, if I recall correctly. I actually did a spreadsheet at one point but Legal wouldn't let me show it to anyone, even though recruiting loved it.

I mean, just to give you a very brief taste: Amazon's recruiting process is fundamentally flawed by having teams hire for themselves, so their hiring bar is incredibly inconsistent across teams, despite various efforts they've made to level it out. And their operations are a mess; they don't real

bradenpowers / MyObject.js
Created September 9, 2011 22:45 — forked from kwhinnery/Person.js
Monkey patch for require in Titanium Mobile
exports.Person = function(firstName,lastName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
bric3 /
Last active April 18, 2023 06:50
Automate the install of JDK 5 on Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks
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# New home :
dawsontoth / RecordingVideo.js
Created February 17, 2011 19:43
How to record video, then share or save it. Using Appcelerator Titanium!
* This sample lets you record and share video with Appcelerator Titanium on Android.
* First, create our UI. We'll have two buttons: record, and share.
var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({