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James Please jamesplease

  • USA
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@media all and (display-mode: standalone) {
body {
background-color: #000;
  1. CASE SENSITIVE EQUALS: Case-sensitive equality trumps all. These will be first. (ex. France would match France, but not france)
  2. EQUALS: Case-insensitive equality (ex. France would match france)
  3. STARTS WITH: If the item starts with the given value (ex. Sou would match South Korea or South Africa)
  4. WORD STARTS WITH: If the item has multiple words, then if one of those words starts with the given value (ex. Repub would match Dominican Republic)
  5. CASE STARTS WITH: If the item has a defined case (camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case or kebab-case), then if one of the parts starts with the given value (ex. kingdom would match unitedKingdom or united_kingdom)
  6. CASE ACRONYM If the item's case matches the synonym (ex. uk would match united-kingdom or UnitedKingdom)
  7. CONTAINS: If the item contains the given word (ex. America would match South America)
  8. ACRONYM: If the item's acronym is the given value (ex. us would mat
render() {
return (
{awaiting && <div>Still waiting to hear back...</div>}
{succeeded && <div>The request has succeeded!</div>}
{failed && <div>The request failed for some reason!</div>}
{streaming && <div>We have a response...receiving the data is underway</div>}
jamesplease / object.js
Last active April 4, 2018 17:39
Possible piece of an API for a fetch wrapper
// The response was received, and the data is currently streaming.
// Note: this can be `true` even when the request fails (if the body of
// the error is being streamed)
streaming: <Boolean>,
// The response has not yet been returned by the server, OR it has been
// returned and the headers are still streaming (it appears that the headers)
// are immediately available at the same time that the Response object is
// made available to you)
// res.bodyUsed is true immediately after the method is called. That is awesome!
.then(res => {
console.log('Immediately when the res is received:', res.bodyUsed);
const body = res.json()
.then(stuff => {
console.log('Ok response from res.json', stuff);
console.log('Body read as JSON', res.bodyUsed);
jamesplease / distributed-data.js
Last active April 3, 2018 23:09
Sometimes, data is distributed across multiple APIs. You may want an abstraction layer for dealing with this.
const fetchBook = createFetcher(
(options) => {
return fetch(`/books/${options.bookId}`);
attributeFetchers: {
author(bookId) {
return getAuthorForBookId(bookId)

Utilities for bad APIs


  • Write resolvers that allow you to do "complex" queries in one pop, such as fetching the entire definition of an object
  • "Push" updates so that the slowest endpoint doesn't hold up the entire request
// Create a fetcher. Fetches some data 
const fetchBook = createFetcher(
jamesplease /
Last active March 30, 2018 21:22
Future Fetcher API considerations
  • Built on top of the Fetch API
  • Split loading state into two Booleans (awaiting response and streaming)
  • cancellation API, even if it is just "ignoring" the response
  • API that maps to Promises. Likely a wrapper on top of the Response object
  • Partial success / partial failure (meaning one single response is returned with partial success. In other words, this is independent from streaming)
  • Streaming (could be multiple requests making up the stream under-the-hood, or just one that is piping data to you gradually, i.e. JSONS)
  • "Middleware" - could be a pattern rather than a library. It is just a pattern to transform data into useful formats. For instance, normalization middleware for inconsistent APIs.
jamesplease /
Last active March 16, 2018 17:36
Resource library for React requirements


  • Each resource requires a "type" (book, author, comment, etc)
  • Each resource requires an ID (a unique identifier. must be a string or a number)
  • Stored in context (or a context polyfill)
  • Data is normalized by ID
  • A location for By-ID lookup
  • Support for an arbitrary number of ordered lists (supports server-side ordering, and any situation when the client needs an ordered list or grouping of resources)
  • Support for client-side metadata for resources (could be used for forms, or if data is modified, or
import Composer from 'react-composer';
import Component from 'react-component-component';
<Fetch {...fetchProps} />,
([firstResult]) => {
// Ultimately, you return a Fetch that is lazy.
// When `firstResult` changes from `loading` to succeeded,