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import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
* A Gist prooving that Java 8's Optional type satisfies the Monadic laws
* Based on the idea originally by Marc Siegel <>, at:
* However, updated to the final/released version of Java 8 (Marcs version was based on pre-release
janojanahan / MonadicNullSafety.kt
Last active March 23, 2023 02:46
Kotlin Nullable can behave like a monad
* A Gist proving that Kotlin's nullable type can be made into a monad without wrapping into another
* object and satisfy the Monadic laws
* Kotlin has comprehensive null safety built into the language enforced at compile time, using its
* nullable type.
* Its language structure makes dealing with nullable values simple and succinct. Unlike other language
* monadic constructs such as Option (scala), Optional(Java8+) and Maybe(Haskell), it is enforced at
* compile time and is compatible with existing non monad aware API (for example,