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D <- c()
for(u in c("OneNaziq", "AzimRidzuan_", "pais_10")) {
D <- rbind(D, get_followers(u, n= "all", page = "-1", parse = TRUE, as_double = FALSE, token = NULL))


public Response createPost(@FormParam("type") String type,  @FormParam("content") String content) { 
    postEJB.createPostUserRest(type, content);
    URI userURI = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().build();
    return Response.created(userURI).build();


Watch or unwatch GitHub repositories using GitHub API + curl + jq + Bash

When you need to perform an operation on a large number of GitHub repositories, their REST API and some command line magic comes in handy. This short talk will demonstrate a technique to watch and unwatch GitHub repositories using ad-hoc scripts. The example should give a good idea how to perform other bulk operations too.


I have this setting in my personal GitHub account:

janosgyerik /
Last active May 16, 2016 17:13
Notes related to contributing to Sonar

###[Q] Example code I'm afraid this question does not match what this site is about. Code Review is about improving existing, working code. The example code that you have posted is not reviewable in this form because it leaves us guessing at your intentions. Unlike Stack Overflow, Code Review needs to look at concrete code in a real context. Please see Why is hypothetical example code off-topic for CR?

###[Q] Add an intro I suggest to add a nice introductory paragraph at the very beginning of your post, explaining briefly what your code does. It will look more attractive on question listing pages. If you start with a block of code, the summary of your question will be "..." instead of something meaningful.

###[Q] Broken code Welcome to $SITENAME$! I'm afraid this question does not match what this site is about. $SITENAME$ is about improving existing, working code. $SITENAME$ is not the site to ask for help in fixing or changing what your code does.