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janx / gist:64004
Created February 13, 2009 17:03 — forked from dhh/gist:45076
# 1) Point * in your DNS setup to your server.
# 2) Setup an Apache vhost to catch the star pointer:
# <VirtualHost *:80>
# ServerName
# ServerAlias *
# </VirtualHost>
# 3) Set the current account from the subdomain
- creates destination directory automatically
- copies 'mini_site/xx_XX/zzz' directory to 'mini_site/yy_YY/zzz'
- allows to copy more than twice
- removes old directory before copying (FAILED - 2)
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Skipping to next header
class OrderTransaction < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :order
serialize :params
cattr_accessor :gateway
class << self
def authorize(amount, credit_card, options = {})
process('authorization', amount) do |gw|
gw.authorize(amount, credit_card, options)
# ActiveMerchant Options
# :order_id - The order number.
# :ip - The IP address of the customer making the purchase.
# :customer - The name, customer number, or other information that identifies the customer.
# :invoice - The invoice number.
# :merchant - The name or description of the merchant offering the product.
# :description - A description of the transaction.
# :email - The email address of the customer.
# application/moneyhats/config/environments/development.rb
# We want to use the BraintreeGateway in test mode so
# that we can simulate real transactions during development. The code
# needs to be placed in the to_prepare block so that it is executed on
# each reload of the OrderTransaction model in development mode. If
# the code had been placed in the after_initialize block then Order-
# Transaction.gateway would be properly set on the first request to the
# application, but would be nil on all subsequent requests.
config.after_initialize do
# application/moneyhats/test/test_helper.rb
include ActiveMerchant::Billing
# application/moneyhats/test/test_helper.rb
def credit_card_hash(options = {})
{ :number => '1',
:first_name => 'Cody',
:last_name => 'Fauser',
:month => '8',
:year => "#{ + 1 }",
# application/moneyhats/app/models/order.rb
# pending - The initial order state. No successful or unsuccessful
# payments have been attempted on the order.
# authorized - A successful order authorization has been made. The
# order is ready for fulfillment and payment capture.
# paid - The authorized payment has been captured.
# payment_declined - Authorization has been attempted, but failed.
# The order can still be authorized in a subsequent
# authorization attempt.
require 'fileutils'
$cache_dir = File.join('tmp', 'watchr')
FileUtils.mkdir_p($cache_dir) unless File.exist?($cache_dir)
def modified?(file)
cache_file = File.join $cache_dir, file
`diff #{file} #{cache_file} >/dev/null 2>&1`
if $? != 0
# spec/helper/random_form_builder_spec.rb
describe RandomFormBuilder do
attr_reader :builder, :helper
before do
@helper = Object.extend(ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper)
@object = stub_model(Random)
@builder =, @object, @helper, {}, nil)