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japhb / foss-status.raku
Created May 15, 2024 04:48
Demonstration of progress bar alternating with terminal output (synchronous version)
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6.d;
use File::Find; # To support recursive repo searching
use Terminal::ANSIColor; # Or don't use colored(), or hardcode SGR codes
use Text::MiscUtils::Layout; # Or change duospace-width to .chars
#| Summarize status and problems in many git checkouts
sub MAIN(
japhb / rakudoc-install-fail.txt
Created May 4, 2021 00:02
Failure of `zef install rakudoc`
$ zef install rakudoc
===> Searching for: rakudoc
===> Searching for missing dependencies: Pod::Utilities:ver<0.0.1+>, IO::MiddleMan:ver<1.001003+>
===> Testing: Pod::Utilities:ver<0.0.1>
===> Testing [OK] for Pod::Utilities:ver<0.0.1>
===> Testing: IO::MiddleMan:ver<1.001003>
===> Testing [OK] for IO::MiddleMan:ver<1.001003>
===> Testing: rakudoc:ver<0.2.3>:auth<github:Raku>:api<1>
[rakudoc] No such method 'read-dist' for invocant of type
[rakudoc] 'CompUnit::Repository::Distribution'
japhb / u
Last active January 29, 2024 05:45
japhb's Unicode search/display script 'u'
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use sigpipe;
use Text::MiscUtils::Layout;
sub show-cp($cp) {
my $char = $cp.chr;
my $width = duospace-width($char);
my $spacer = ' ' x (2 - $width);
japhb / Dockerfile
Created March 11, 2021 01:14
(Docker + raku -c) bug
FROM rakudo-star:2020.10
COPY . .
# This is the bug trigger; comment out and no BUG
USER raku
RUN raku -c -I. -MDockertest -e ''
japhb / recreate-test-mock-failure
Last active February 28, 2020 21:21
Script to recreate Test::Mock testing failure
set -e -x
mkdir build-root
cd build-root
git clone
git clone
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
sub MAIN($before, $after) {
my $pct = 100 * ($before - $after) / $before;
say abs($pct).fmt: "%9.2f%% {$pct < 0 ?? "more" !! "less"} time";
say $pct < 0 ?? ($after / $before).fmt("%9.2f times slower")
!! ($before / $after).fmt("%9.2f times faster");
japhb /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
Ideas for a "Perl 6 Community Code of Conduct"
  1. We aim to be actively welcoming, friendly, respectful, and helpful to everyone interested in Perl 6 and our shared community.
  2. We don't discriminate on any basis other than ability to be a kind, positive member of our community.
  3. Our standard of behavior is "awesome". If your behavior is LTA (Less Than Awesome), we will call you on it.
  4. There is no form of negative behavior that will impress us or gain you favor in our community.
  5. We try to hug trolls where possible, but if that doesn't work, we eject them. The health and happiness of our community comes first.
japhb /
Created April 3, 2015 16:33
japhb's ++jnthn requests


  • General resiliency under heavy task load, when tasks > all(cores, threads)
    • Correct results
    • No crashes
    • No "cliff-like" performance as overload point is passed
      • Note: better to OOM than GC thrash
      • Similarly better to serve some tasks well than all badly via e.g. context switch storms
  • Idle/block on inputs without burning CPU
  • (and/or use idle time for something productive like GC)
japhb / rakudo-path
Created January 8, 2014 01:11
japhb's current update-rakudo and rakudo-path scripts
my $share = '/YOUR/SHARE/ROOT/HERE';
my $share_bin = "$share/perl6/bin";
my ($vms, $ver) = @ARGV;
my @vms = split /\s*,\s*/ => $vms || '';
@vms or die "Must specify one or more VMs in path priority order (e.g. 'jvm,parrot') as the first argument.\n";
my @vm_bins;
japhb /
Created January 7, 2014 04:18
Proposal: Performance-oriented Perl 6 3D math lib

One Perl 6 3D Math Lib to Rule Them All

There are currently several different 3D-related math libraries for Perl6: Math::Vector, Math::Quaternion, etc. They don't interoperate smoothly, have different API designs, and aren't designed with efficiency/performance as a primary goal.

I propose we create a new 3D/graphics-oriented math library with the following design parameters.

Design Parameters

  • Build sugary syntax on top of efficient underlying implementation, allowing the library user to choose their tradeoff point