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Click on any arc to zoom in. Click on the center circle to zoom out.

A sunburst is similar to a treemap, except it uses a radial layout. The root node of the tree is at the center, with leaves on the circumference. The area (or angle, depending on implementation) of each arc corresponds to its value. Sunburst design by John Stasko. Data courtesy Jeff Heer.

jargonautical /
Created April 5, 2018 21:24 — forked from lfigueira/
Python script to convert British National grid coordinates (OSGB36 Eastings, Northings) to WGS84 latitude and longitude. The code from this script was copied/adapted from Hannah Fry's blog; the original code and post can be found here:, toghe…
# Converts eastings and northings (British national grid coordinates) to Lat/Long
# Original code author: Hannah Fry; see code/comments here:
from math import sqrt, pi, sin, cos, tan, atan2 as arctan2
import csv
jargonautical / log_sample.ttl
Created August 14, 2018 13:11 — forked from kal/log_sample.ttl
Sample Turtle File
@prefix txn: <> .
@prefix srv: <> .
@prefix log: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
txn:123 a log:Transaction ;
log:processedBy srv:A ;
log:processedAt "2015-10-16T10:22:23"^^xsd:dateTime ;
log:statusCode 200 .