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jarmitage / bela_startup.scd
Created July 11, 2019 11:04
Bela SuperCollider Printing Sensors

( // connect to the already-running remote belaserver Server.default = s = Server("belaServer", NetAddr("", 57110)); s.options.maxLogins = 4; // should match the settings on the Bela s.initTree; s.startAliveThread; );


// msgArray = [button, fsr, knob] // every three SendTrig's

jarmitage / fm_import_field_recording.applescript
Last active July 6, 2019 18:15
FuzzMeasure AppleScript import field recording
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
set homePath to (POSIX path of (path to home folder))
set stimulusPath to homePath & "Desktop/stimulus.wav"
set recordingPath to homePath & "Desktop/measurement.wav"
if application "FuzzMeasure" is not running then
tell application "FuzzMeasure" to activate
end if
jarmitage / untitled.js
Created June 15, 2019 17:33
untitled for augmented violinist, live coder, singing bowl and PA system (2019)
jarmitage /
Last active July 5, 2023 08:55
Compiling PureData externals for Bela

Compiling PureData externals for Bela

git clone --recursive
  • Follow the instructions in the repository (and perhaps build the test project to familiarise yourself).
jarmitage / note_utils.cpp
Last active May 9, 2019 14:39
Instrument tuning utilities
std::map<std::string, int> midiNoteNames = { {"a0",21}, {"as0",22}, {"b0",23},
{"c1",24}, {"cs1",25}, {"d1",26}, {"ds1",27}, {"e1",28}, {"f1", 29}, {"fs1",30}, {"g1", 31}, {"gs1",32}, {"a1",33}, {"as1",34}, {"b1",35},
{"c2",36}, {"cs2",37}, {"d2",38}, {"ds2",39}, {"e2",40}, {"f2", 41}, {"fs2",42}, {"g2", 43}, {"gs2",44}, {"a2",45}, {"as2",46}, {"b2",47},
{"c3",48}, {"cs3",49}, {"d3",50}, {"ds3",51}, {"e3",52}, {"f3", 53}, {"fs3",54}, {"g3", 55}, {"gs3",56}, {"a3",57}, {"as3",58}, {"b3",59},
{"c4",60}, {"cs4",61}, {"d4",62}, {"ds4",63}, {"e4",64}, {"f4", 65}, {"fs4",66}, {"g4", 67}, {"gs4",68}, {"a4",69}, {"as4",70}, {"b4",71},
{"c5",72}, {"cs5",73}, {"d5",74}, {"ds5",75}, {"e5",76}, {"f5", 77}, {"fs5",78}, {"g5", 79}, {"gs5",80}, {"a5",81}, {"as5",82}, {"b5",83},
{"c6",84}, {"cs6",85}, {"d6",86}, {"ds6",87}, {"e6",88}, {"f6", 89}, {"fs6",90}, {"g6", 91}, {"gs6",92}, {"a6",93}, {"as6",94}, {"b6",95},
{"c7",96}, {"cs7",9
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jarmitage / default-synths-extra.tidal
Created April 25, 2019 10:53
Tidal file for playing with SuperDirt synths added in Dec 2018
-- Added Dec 2018 by bgold
let p = n (run 12)
fragment: 2018-08-16
responds to accelerate (for pitch glide)
detune (in Hz, but even small values are quite noticable)
jarmitage / default-effects-extra.tidal
Created April 25, 2019 10:43
Tidal file for playing with new SuperDirt FX
-- New SuperDirt effects in Tidal 1.0.11
let p = s "arpy*4"
Divides an audio stream into tiny segments, using the signal's
zero-crossings as segment boundaries, and discards a fraction of them.
jarmitage / functions.tidal
Created April 23, 2019 14:39
An idea for arranging a track in tidal
mutePatterns g = mapM (streamMute tidal) g
muteIntPatterns g = mutePatterns (map show g)
mutePatterns' s g = mutePatterns (fromJust $ lookup g s)
unmutePatterns g = mapM (streamUnmute tidal) g
unmuteIntPatterns g = unmutePatterns (map show g)
unmutePatterns' s g = unmutePatterns (fromJust $ lookup g s)
soloPatterns g = mapM (streamSolo tidal) g
soloPatterns' s g = soloPatterns (fromJust $ lookup g s)
unsoloPatterns g = mapM (streamUnsolo tidal) g
unsoloPatterns' s g = unsoloPatterns (fromJust $ lookup g s)