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Jarod Reyes jarodreyes

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before_filter :iphone_redirect
def iphone_redirect
if request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"][/(Mobile\/.+Safari)/]
redirect_to ""
describe ApplicationController do
it 'should redirect request from mobile safari to the app store' do
jarodreyes / Key Bindings - User
Created June 13, 2012 22:16
Wrap a Selection in a %trans tag - Sublime2
// wrap selection in Trans tag
{ "keys": ["super+3"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/User/trans.sublime-macro"} }
jarodreyes /
Created April 17, 2013 05:02
Renders a window on my portfolio that allows a visitor to see the most recent books added to my GoodReads account. ReadingWindow extends WindowView so I have included both for context.
define ['window', 'jquery.xml2json'],
(WindowView, xml2json) ->
String.prototype.trunc =
(n) ->
return @substr(0,n-1)+ (if @length > n then '...' else '')
class ReadingWindow extends WindowView
template: _.template $('#reading-template').html()
el: '.reading'
jarodreyes /
Created April 17, 2013 05:12
This widget, built for allows our 3 Million users to translate a string selected on the website. This demonstrates how simply a complex widget liket this can be built using modern frameworks like BackboneViews and CoffeeScript. Compile JS included as well as the Jade template (which compiles to HTML).
define ['event-bus',
(EventBus, UtilityPane, translatePopupTemplate) ->
class TranslatePopup extends UtilityPane
tagName: 'li'
paneId: 'translate'
'click .btn-search': 'sendToGoogle'
'click .btn-switch': 'switchLang'
jarodreyes / export_sprites.js
Created April 17, 2013 05:19
This javascript file was created to automate a repetitive and time-wasting process of exporting image sprites created from Adobe Illustrator files (Vectors).
var createLargeSprite, createMiniSprite, createRetinas, createSmallSprite, createSprite, document, folder, forEach, hideAllLayers, layer, layers, scaleMe, showAllLayers, _i, _len;
folder = Folder.selectDialog();
document = app.activeDocument;
createMiniSprite = function() {
var file;
file = new File(folder.fsName + "/" + + "-mini.png");
return scaleMe(file, 50);
jarodreyes / style.css
Created April 17, 2013 05:26
Styles for my personal website. Included compiled CSS.
@import url('|Oleo+Script+Swash+Caps:400,700|Miltonian+Tattoo|Piedra');
@import "fonts.css";
@-webkit-keyframes bounce{0%,20%,50%,80%,100%{-webkit-transform:scale(1);} 40%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(1.8);} 60%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(1.5);}}@keyframes bounce{0%,20%,50%,80%,100%{-webkit-transform:scale(1);} 40%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(1.8);} 60%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(1.5);}}.tap-window{text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px;position:relative;cursor:pointer;}.tap-window .window{posit
jarodreyes / gist:7479517
Created November 15, 2013 05:21
leaderboard.json for The Hacker Olympics.js.
{"1":{"points":1080,"name":"Bajoran raider"},"2":{"points":290,"name":"Basestars"},"3":{"points":940,"name":"Bebop"},"4":{"points":605,"name":"Bellerophon"},"5":{"points":410,"name":"Blackbird"},"6":{"points":350,"name":"Cardassian Pursuit"},"7":{"points":510,"name":"Colonial Viper"},"8":{"points":585,"name":"Cylon Raider"},"9":{"points":790,"name":"Death Glider"},"10":{"points":545,"name":"Destiny Ascension"},"11":{"points":415,"name":"Enterprise"},"12":{"points":825,"name":"Event Horizon"},"13":{"points":550,"name":"Federation Fighter"},"14":{"points":535,"name":"Geonosian starfighter"},"15":{"points":0,"name":"Heart of Gold"},"16":{"points":45,"name":"Horatius"},"17":{"points":0,"name":"Hyperion"},"18":{"points":0,"name":"Icarus"},"19":{"points":0,"name":"Independence"},"20":{"points":0,"name":"Jedi starfighter"},"21":{"points":0,"name":"Jem'Hadar fighter"},"22":{"points":0,"name":"Kronos Fighter"},"23":{"points":0,"name":"Magellan"},"24":{"points":0,"name":"Mayflower One"},"25":{"points":0,"name":"Minbari
.arc path { stroke: #fff; }
<script src=""></script>
before do
@twilio_number = ENV['TWILIO_NUMBER']
@points_number = ENV['POINTS_NUMBER']
puts "num: #{@twilio_number}"
route :get, :post, '/points' do
puts 'points/'
@phone_number = Sanitize.clean(params[:From])
jarodreyes / candy-sms.rb
Created February 26, 2015 03:20
3rdSpace Candy Machine
# Register a subscriber through the web and send verification code
route :get, :post, '/sms-register' do
@phone_number = Sanitize.clean(params[:From])
@body = params[:Body]
puts @error
if @error == false
user = AnonUser.first_or_create(:phone_number => @phone_number)
if not @body.nil?
user.messages.create(:body => @body)