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Using this for asterisk tricks I find along the way
If you are getting this error after entering "asterisk -r" - "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)" then do the following:
- Type "sudo nohup asterisk -&"
- Try "sudo asterisk -r"
jarrodharvey /
Last active April 8, 2023 07:18
Fix aerc auto line break
# Aerc has a bloody nuisance of a bug for an otherwise great email client
# Put this command in your .vimrc, this will let you use the "FA" (Fix Aerc) command
# The FA command will replace all SINGLE line breaks with a space
# As you use double line breaks in your own writing this won't cause problems.
# It will ignore lines that end with commas or full stops.
# It also ignores lines starting with a triangular bracket
:command FA %s/\([^\n,\.]\)\n\([^\n\>]\)/\1 \2/