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jaseemabid /
Created October 23, 2016 11:07
A simple script to get the top 100 songs from Clementine DB and copy it to my phone.
A simple script to get the top 100 songs from Clementine DB and copy it to
my phone.
1. Handle phone unmount properly. MTPFS suck!
2. Dont copy files already there
3. Delete old files?

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jaseemabid on github.
  • I am jaseemabid ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 0D01 F83F 9C88 2B6F 42B0 B93B FE8B A47C AF68 AB61

To claim this, I am signing this object:

jaseemabid /
Created March 3, 2016 20:03
Setup Emacs dev env for Erlang

Setup with Emacs Development environment with EDTS, Flycheck and use-package

This tutorial assumes a reasonably new version of Emacs (24.4+)


Erlang Development Tool Suite aims to provide common IDE like functionality.


jaseemabid / ttlist.erl
Created March 1, 2016 11:07
Tain truncated list with some basic tests.
%% Simple tail truncated list
-export([new/0, new/1, insert/2, lci/1]).
new() -> [].
when is_list(L) ->
jaseemabid /
Last active February 29, 2016 18:42
Slides of the talk "A micro manual for LISP - Not the whole truth"


I’m Jaseem Abid

2009 - ‘13 Batch @jaseemabid gh/jaseemabid

A micro manual for LISP - Not the whole truth

jaseemabid / prof.erl
Created February 19, 2016 11:04
Run the MFA, but log the time taken for it as well.
%% @doc Run the MFA, but log the time taken for it as well.
prof(M, F, A) ->
Note = atom_to_list(M) ++ ":" ++ atom_to_list(F),
prof(Note, M, F, A).
prof(Note, M, F, A) ->
S = os:timestamp(),
Result = apply(M, F, A),
E = os:timestamp(),
Diff = timer:now_diff(E, S)/1.0e6,
jaseemabid / time.hs
Created October 30, 2015 13:43
Get current time as an integer
-- Definitely not the best way to get current time as integer
currentPosixTime <- (getCurrentTime >>= return . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
let currentTime = (round (read (init $ show(currentPosixTime)) :: Float) :: Integer)
import logging
import time
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def useful():
logger.debug('Hello from webapplib!')
;;; auto-remove.el --- Auto remove unused functions in python
;;; Commentary:
;; Uses external tool autoflake to remove unused imports from a Python file.
;;; Code:
(defcustom python-autoflake-path (executable-find "autoflake")
"Autoflake executable path.
jaseemabid / gist:8819059
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
= How the web works, an introduction with Python Flask
= How the web works, an introduction with Python Flask
= Objective
Introduce the audience to web programming, with a clean focus on fundamentals.
Rather than deal with the nuances of a library or a framework, the workshop will
focus on fundamentals like HTTP, simple tools like curl, quick sneak peek into
REST etc
= Description