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what if long-term memory is stored as something spacial? | |
if dreams are our way of storing our memories of the day. | |
is this why the method of loci is so effective? | |
our brain takes all of the pertinent facts about our day and creates a more | |
compact version of our day for us to live while we dream that will keep for | |
a longer time. |
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<title>Tic Tac Toe</title> | |
<meta name="description" content="Tic Tac Toe"> | |
<meta name="author" content="Caleb Jasik"> |
Chapter 7 | |
Problem 2 | |
Description | |
r = @(theta) 3.*sin(3.*cos(0.5.*theta)) | |
r(pi/6) | |
r(5*pi/6) | |
theta = 0:0.01:(4*pi); | |
polarplot(theta,r(theta)) | |
Problem 11 |
Problem 11 | |
Description | |
f = @(x)(2.+(x-1.45).^2)./(3+3.5.*(0.8.*x.^2-0.6.*x+2)); | |
x1 = fminbnd(f,-9^9,9^9); | |
g = @(x)(-1).*f(x); | |
x2 = fminbnd(g,-9^9,9^9); | |
a = linspace(-3,3); | |
b = f(a); | |
plot(x1,f(x1),'--o',x2,f(x2),'--o',a,b) |
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#!/bin/bash | |
sudo pip install virtualenv pipenv | |
# clone | |
git clone https://github.com/xSke/Garlium | |
cd Garlium | |
# install | |
pipenv install PyQt5 |
#include <iostream> | |
using namespace std; | |
int main() { | |
cout << "hello world"; | |
} |
Algorithm minMax2(A,n) | |
Input: Array A of n elements | |
Output: [min,max] | |
min <- A[0] | |
max <- A[0] | |
for i <- 1 to n-1 do | |
if A[i] < min then | |
min <- A[i] |
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