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Jasim A Basheer jasim

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jasim / todo_cli_coronasafe.js
Created January 30, 2021 11:42
A possible solution for the CoronaSafe Fellowship Todo CLI application
const EOL = require('os').EOL
const fs = require('fs')
const PENDING_TODOS_FILE = 'todo.txt'
const COMPLETED_TODOS_FILE = 'done.txt'
jasim /
Created March 3, 2021 08:16
JavaScript CSS PostCSS Source-to-Source Compilers

The JavaScript CSS Mess

CSS is simple: you have a .css file, you include it in your HTML, and all the styling gets applied to it.

However: CSS evolves rapidly and browsers often can’t keep up..


For example the current box-shadow property was first implemented only in Chrome, and that property was called -webkit-box-shadow. This is a convention that browser vendors follow when they implement their own browser-specific CSS properties.

jasim / NoScrollOnInputFocusiOSSafari.html
Created July 7, 2023 16:43 — forked from kiding/NoScrollOnInputFocusiOSSafari.html
Preventing iOS Safari scrolling when focusing on input elements
When an input element gets focused, iOS Safari tries to put it in the center by scrolling (and zooming.)
Zooming can be easily disabled using a meta tag, but the scrolling hasn't been quite easy.
The main quirk (I think) is that iOS Safari changes viewport when scrolling; i.e., toolbars shrink.
Since the viewport _should_ change, it thinks the input _will_ move, so it _should_ scroll, always.
Even times when it doesn't need to scroll—the input is fixed, all we need is the keyboard—
the window always scrolls _up and down_ resulting in some janky animation.
However, iOS Safari doesn't scroll when the input **has opacity of 0 or is completely clipped.**