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jasonhjohnson / Property.cshtml
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
Expressive Annotations Issue
@Html.EditorFor(x => x.NewRenovationConstruction, new { options = yesNoListItems, @class = "radio-inline", @data_bind = "" }){
container: 'hiw-login-container',
authParams: {
device: 'Web App',
scope: 'openid nickname email offline_access app_metadata', // offline_access needed for refresh tokens
response_type: 'code'
(err, profile, token) => {
if(err) {
Object {nickname: "mynickname", email: "", email_verified: true, app_metadata: Object, iss: ""…}
app_metadata: Object
aud: "...auid"
email: ""
email_verified: true
exp: 1455167800
iat: 1455131800
iss: ""
nickname: "mynickname"
sub: "auth0|alongguididhere"