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jayeheffernan / .vimrc
Created April 18, 2016 04:38
Vim Config
" Clear autocommands to avoid running twice
" Plugins
set nocompatible
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
jayeheffernan / regexp_test.nut
Created April 16, 2019 09:05
Squirrel 3.1 Regexp Demonstration
// This file demonstrates the behaviour of 2 different regexps against the same
// string. The same result is expected for each, and the expected result can be
// seen if run under Squirrel 3.1.
// To run on the Electric Imp platform, change the `print()` calls to
// `server.log()`. The result of the second regexp test will be wrong in this
// case.
// JSONEncoder included for debugging/output-formatting


This library provides a class to help manage sending AT commands and receiving responses. It is independent of the any particular method of writing or reading data to the AT command partner device.

The class is configured with an onWrite() function, which it uses to send data to its AT partner, and implements a .feed() method, which should be passed incoming data from its partner as it becomes availabe. The .receive() method takes a special onData() callback which can be used to implement