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jazbek /
Last active February 8, 2018 05:29 — forked from wturnerharris/

###W3TC MU-Plugins Install

  1. ####Add Nginx Rewrite Rule -> .htaccess:

    • rewrite ^/(?:[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/(.*) /wp-content/mu-plugins/plugins/w3-total-cache/$1 last;
  2. ####Add WP-Config Option -> wp-config.php:

    • define('W3TC_DIR', dirname(FILE).'/wp-content/mu-plugins/w3-total-cache');
  3. ####Add w3tc plugin -> mu-plugins/:

  • Upload entire plugin to mu-plugins/w3-total-cache/