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jbaaybaay / Marble Spin Comp Server
Created July 9, 2016 20:50
Marble Spin Comp Server
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro Marble Spin
// @version 0.1
// @description Adds a marble overlay texture to the balls to show spin
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @author Some Ball -1 (Cflakes for the marble texture)
// ==/UserScript==
jbaaybaay / Comp Server-Side Keymapper
Created July 9, 2016 20:50
Comp Server-Side Keymapper
// ==UserScript==
// @name keymapper competitive
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
The competitive server partition sends this script to each user. It is identical for each user.
jbaaybaay / Transparent Canvas Comp Server
Created July 9, 2016 20:51
Transparent Canvas Comp Server
// ==UserScript==
// @name Tagpro Transparent Canvas 3.0
// @namespace
// @author NewCompte
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
if ((window.sessionStorage.toggles && JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.toggles).transparent)){
tagpro.ready(function () {
jbaaybaay / Tagpro Tile Pattern Comp Server
Last active July 10, 2016 16:45
Tagpro Tile Pattern Comp Server
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro Tile Pattern
// @namespace
// @description Tints every other floor tile a slightly different shade.
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @author snaps
// @version 0.1.0
jbaaybaay / Keymapper Comp Client
Created July 9, 2016 20:53
Keymapper Comp Client
// ==UserScript==
// @name keymapper
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
if ((window.sessionStorage.toggles && JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.toggles).remap)){
Player needs to enter any game on the desired server OUTSIDE of the restricted competitive partition.
jbaaybaay / Macros Comp Client
Created July 9, 2016 20:54
Macros Comp Client
// ==UserScript==
// @name tagpro macros
// @namespace
// @description Help your team with quick chat macros.
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @exclude http://**
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @author steppin, Watball
jbaaybaay / Ball Transparency Comp Server.js
Created August 7, 2016 17:21
Ball Transparency Comp Server
// ==UserScript==
// @name Ball Transparency
// @version 2.0.0
// @description Better particles, drop shadows, spinning options (ball, flair, overlay)
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @author Browncoat
// ==/UserScript==
jbaaybaay / Time On Ball.js
Created August 7, 2016 17:21
Time On Ball
// ==UserScript==
// @name Time On Ball
// @version 0.1
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://*.newcompte.*
// @author ballparts & Flail
// ==/UserScript==
if ((window.sessionStorage.toggles && JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.toggles).timeonball)){
jbaaybaay / Client Toggle 1.2.js
Last active November 20, 2016 20:27
Client Toggle 1.2
// ==UserScript==
// @name Tagpro Competitive Toggler
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @exclude http://**
// @author eigenvector, JBB
// @run-at document-start
// @version 1.2
// ==/UserScript==
jbaaybaay / NLTPJerseys10.js
Last active August 5, 2017 00:42
NLTP Jersey Script S10
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro NLTP Jerseys Season 10
// @version 1.3
// @description Set and change ball jerseys directly from the group page
// @author zeeres, modified by ballparts/JBB
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_log