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John Barnette jbarnette

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# Run the given block +num+ times and then print out the mean, median, min,
# max, and stddev of the run. For example:
# irb> stats(10) { sleep(rand / 100) }
# mean: 5.99ms
# median: 6.76ms
# min: 1.49ms
# max: 9.28ms
# stddev: 2.54ms
def stats(num)
shinzui / connection_fix.rb
Created December 6, 2009 06:18 — forked from defunkt/connection_fix.rb
MySQL automatic reconnect
# If your workers are inactive for a long period of time, they'll lose
# their MySQL connection.
# This hack ensures we re-connect whenever a connection is
# lost. Because, really. why not?
# Stick this in RAILS_ROOT/config/initializers/connection_fix.rb (or somewhere similar)
# From:
~$ ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64'
~$ rvm install 1.8.7 --debug --reconfigure -C --enable-shared=yes
~$ wget
~$ tar xzf RubyCocoa-1.0.0.tar.gz && rm RubyCocoa-1.0.0.tar.gz && cd RubyCocoa-1.0.0
~/RubyCocoa-1.0.0$ ruby install.rb config --build-universal=yes
~/RubyCocoa-1.0.0$ ruby install.rb setup
~/RubyCocoa-1.0.0$ sudo ruby install.rb install
(function() {
var ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3';
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(ua) === 0) {
document.write('<sc' + 'ript src="/js/ios3_bug.js"></sc' + 'ript>');
// iPhone OS 3 requires an external script tag to be synchronously
// loaded in the HEAD od the HTML document if there's a reference
jbarnette / example.rb
Created April 6, 2011 14:55
A naïve state machine for ActiveRecord. Ruby 1.9.
require "stateful"
class Folder < ActiveRecord::Base
include Stateful
# ...
stateful do
state :active
state :inactive
cicloid / ubuntu-11.10-gems.erb
Created October 28, 2011 22:49
Ubuntu 11.10 Chef Bootstrap with RBEnv
bash -c '
<% if knife_config[:bootstrap_proxy] -%>
cat <<'EOP'
<%= "proxy = #{knife_config[:bootstrap_proxy]}" %>
) > ~/.curlrc
<% end -%>
if [ ! -f /usr/bin/chef-client ]; then
foca /
Created January 18, 2012 22:39
Small implementation of Singletons for Backbone
# Public: generates a mixable singleton implementation dependent on a model key.
# Once you mix it into a model, your model gains an .instance method that will
# generate an object and cache it. Further calls to the .instance methods will
# return the same object.
# key - The name of the attribute we use to index instances. Defaults to "id".
# Example
# # Called without arguments uses the "id" as key.
require 'minitest/unit'
require 'drb'
require 'rinda/tuplespace'
module MiniTest
class ParallelRunner < MiniTest::Unit
URI = 'druby://'
def _run_suites suites, type
hash = Hash[ { |s| [, s] }]
<textarea style="height: 100%; width: 100%; background: #222; padding: 5% 25%; color: #eee;"></textarea>
drnic / snippet.rb
Created July 12, 2010 23:27
Sometimes you just need to know if anyone has forked your project recently
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# ruby -rubygems -ropen-uri -e 'eval open("").read' jbarnette dr-nic-magic-awesome
# Or locally:
# $ show_forks jbarnette dr-nic-magic-awesome
# jbarnette - 2008/06/05 15:54:29 -0700