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Last active May 21, 2021 14:04
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"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from collections import deque\n",
"import random"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"RANKS = ['A', 'K', 'Q', 'J', '10', '9']\n",
"SUITS = ['♠', '♣', '♡', '♢']\n",
"SCORING = {5: 2, 4: 1, 3: 1, 2: 0, 1: 0, 0: 0}\n",
"OPPO = {5: 2, 4: 2, 3: 2, 2: 0, 1: 0, 0: 0}\n",
"def euchre_deck():\n",
" return [(rank, suit) for rank in RANKS for suit in SUITS]\n",
"def card_to_bits(card):\n",
" return 1 << (len(RANKS) * SUITS.index(card[1]) + RANKS.index(card[0]))\n",
"def cards_to_bits(cards):\n",
" return sum(card_to_bits(card) for card in cards)\n",
"def bits_to_card(bits):\n",
" bit_pos = bin(bits)[::-1].index('1')\n",
" return (RANKS[bit_pos % len(RANKS)], SUITS[bit_pos // len(RANKS)])\n",
"def bits_to_cards(bits):\n",
" return [bits_to_card(1 << b) for b in range(24) if (1 << b) & bits]\n",
"def deck_to_state(deck):\n",
" return (sum(card_to_bits(c) for c in deck[:5]),\n",
" sum(card_to_bits(c) for c in deck[5:10]),\n",
" sum(card_to_bits(c) for c in deck[10:15]),\n",
" sum(card_to_bits(c) for c in deck[15:20]),\n",
" card_to_bits(deck[20]),\n",
" 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\n",
"def render_cards(bits):\n",
" cards = bits_to_cards(bits)\n",
" return ' '.join(''.join(c) for c in cards)\n",
"assert card_to_bits(('Q', '♡')) == 16384\n",
"assert bits_to_card(16384) == ('Q', '♡')\n",
"assert [bits_to_card(0b1000 << (s * len(RANKS))) for s in range(4)] == [('J', s) for s in SUITS]\n",
"assert [bits_to_card(0b1 << (s * len(RANKS))) for s in range(4)] == [('A', s) for s in SUITS]"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# state: (player 0 hand, player 1 hand, player 2 hand, player 3 hand, turned up,\n",
"# trump suit, led suit, declared team tricks, declaring player, next player)\n",
"class EuchreBase:\n",
" def do_pass(self, state, action):\n",
" p0, p1, p2, p3, tu, _, ls, _, _, np = state\n",
" if np == 3:\n",
" tu, ls = 0, (bin(tu)[::-1].index('1') // len(RANKS) + 1) # turn down the card and stash the suit\n",
" return (p0, p1, p2, p3, tu, 0, ls, 0, 0, (np + 1) % 4)\n",
" def do_pickup(self, state, action):\n",
" p0, p1, p2, p3, tu, _, _, _, _, np = state\n",
" # dealer goes next, to discard\n",
" return (p0, p1, p2, p3 | tu, 0, bin(tu)[::-1].index('1') // len(RANKS) + 1, 0, 0, np, 3)\n",
" def do_declare(self, state, action):\n",
" trump = int(action.split()[1])\n",
" p0, p1, p2, p3, _, _, _, _, _, np = state\n",
" return (p0, p1, p2, p3, 0, trump + 1, 0, 0, np, 0)\n",
" def do_discard(self, state, action):\n",
" card = 1 << int(action.split()[1])\n",
" p0, p1, p2, p3, _, ts, _, _, dp, _ = state\n",
" return (p0, p1, p2, p3 - card, 0, ts, 0, 0, dp, 0)\n",
" def do_play(self, state, action):\n",
" card = 1 << int(action.split()[1])\n",
" p0, p1, p2, p3, tu, ts, ls, dt, dp, np = state\n",
" tu |= card\n",
" np = (np + 1) % 4\n",
" played = bin(tu).count('1')\n",
" if played == 1:\n",
" ls = bin(card)[::-1].index('1') // len(RANKS) + 1\n",
" if played == 4:\n",
" winning_card = self.highest_card(tu, ls - 1, ts - 1)\n",
" winner = next(p for p in range(4) if state[p] & winning_card)\n",
" if winner & 1 == dp & 1: # winning player is on same team as player who called suit\n",
" dt += 1\n",
" # update\n",
" p0 &= ~tu\n",
" p1 &= ~tu\n",
" p2 &= ~tu\n",
" p3 &= ~tu\n",
" tu, ls, np = 0, 0, winner\n",
" return (p0, p1, p2, p3, tu, ts, ls, dt, dp, np)\n",
" def highest_card(self, cards, led, trump):\n",
" right, left = self.right_bower(trump), self.left_bower(trump)\n",
" if right & cards:\n",
" return right\n",
" if left & cards:\n",
" return left\n",
" trump_cards = cards & self.cards_of_suit(trump, trump)\n",
" if trump_cards:\n",
" return trump_cards & -trump_cards\n",
" suit_cards = cards & self.cards_of_suit(led, trump)\n",
" return suit_cards & -suit_cards\n",
" def next_state(self, state, action):\n",
" token = action.split()[0]\n",
" return getattr(self, f'do_{token}')(state, action)\n",
" def legal_actions_bids(self, state):\n",
" if state[4] == 0: # the card has been turned down, its suit is in state[6]\n",
" suits = [f'declare {i}' for i, s in enumerate(SUITS) if i != state[6] - 1]\n",
" if state[9] != 3:\n",
" suits.append('pass') # not the dealer, so not screwed\n",
" return suits\n",
" return ['pass', 'pickup']\n",
" def legal_actions_discard(self, state):\n",
" hand = state[3]\n",
" return [f'discard {pos}' for pos in range(24) if (1 << pos) & hand]\n",
" def legal_actions_lead(self, state):\n",
" hand = state[state[9]]\n",
" return [f'play {pos}' for pos in range(24) if (1 << pos) & hand]\n",
" def legal_actions_follow(self, state):\n",
" hand = state[state[9]]\n",
" trump_suit = state[5] - 1\n",
" led_suit = state[6] - 1\n",
" matching_cards = self.cards_of_suit(led_suit, trump_suit) & hand\n",
" if not matching_cards:\n",
" matching_cards = hand\n",
" return [f'play {pos}' for pos in range(24) if (1 << pos) & matching_cards]\n",
" def legal_actions(self, state):\n",
" if state[5] == 0: # trump suit not declared, bidding phase\n",
" return self.legal_actions_bids(state)\n",
" if bin(state[3]).count('1') == 6: # dealer picked up the card, now must discard\n",
" return self.legal_actions_discard(state)\n",
" if state[4] == 0: # nothing turned up, we lead\n",
" return self.legal_actions_lead(state)\n",
" return self.legal_actions_follow(state)\n",
"class Jacks(EuchreBase):\n",
" def right_bower(self, trump):\n",
" return 0b1000 << (trump * len(RANKS))\n",
" def left_bower(self, trump):\n",
" return 0b1000 << ((trump ^ 1) * len(RANKS))\n",
" def cards_of_suit(self, suit, trump):\n",
" base = 0b111111 << (suit * len(RANKS))\n",
" if trump & 2 != suit & 2: # not of the same color as the trump suit, so no bower adjustment\n",
" return base\n",
" return base ^ self.left_bower(trump)\n",
"class Aces(EuchreBase):\n",
" def right_bower(self, trump):\n",
" return 0b1 << (trump * len(RANKS))\n",
" def left_bower(self, trump):\n",
" return 0b1 << ((trump ^ 1) * len(RANKS))\n",
" def cards_of_suit(self, suit, trump):\n",
" base = 0b111111 << (suit * len(RANKS))\n",
" if trump & 2 != suit & 2: # not of the same color as the trump suit, so no bower adjustment\n",
" return base\n",
" return base ^ self.left_bower(trump)\n",
"class NoBowers(EuchreBase):\n",
" def right_bower(self, trump):\n",
" return 0\n",
" def left_bower(self, trump):\n",
" return 0\n",
" def cards_of_suit(self, suit, trump):\n",
" return 0b111111 << (suit * len(RANKS))\n",
"assert ({bits_to_card(1 << b) for b in range(24) if (1 << b) & Jacks().cards_of_suit(0, 0)} == \n",
" {('A', '♠'), ('K', '♠'), ('Q', '♠'), ('J', '♠'), ('10', '♠'), ('9', '♠'), ('J', '♣')})\n",
"assert ({bits_to_card(1 << b) for b in range(24) if (1 << b) & Jacks().cards_of_suit(1, 0)} == \n",
" {('A', '♣'), ('K', '♣'), ('Q', '♣'), ('10', '♣'), ('9', '♣')})"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#game = Jacks()\n",
"#deck = euchre_deck()\n",
"#initial_state = deck_to_state(deck)\n",
"#for hand in initial_state[:5]:\n",
"# print(bits_to_cards(hand))\n",
"#state = game.next_state(initial_state, 'pickup')\n",
"#for hand in state[:5]:\n",
"# print(bits_to_cards(hand))\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#game = Jacks()\n",
"#actions = ['pass', 'pass', 'pass', 'pickup', 'discard 23', 'play 6',\n",
"# 'play 10', 'play 11', 'play 8', 'play 19', 'play 22', 'play 21',\n",
"# 'play 5', 'play 3', 'play 9', 'play 4', 'play 15', 'play 1',\n",
"# 'play 17', 'play 13', 'play 14', 'play 16', 'play 20', 'play 12', 'play 7']\n",
"#state = (1704512, 4207632, 2148480, 8454434, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\n",
"#print(f'p0: {render_cards(state[0])}\\n'\n",
"# f'p1: {render_cards(state[1])}\\n'\n",
"# f'p2: {render_cards(state[2])}\\n'\n",
"# f'p3: {render_cards(state[3])}\\n\\n'\n",
"# f'{render_cards(state[4])} -- player {state[9]} to go.\\n\\n')\n",
"#for action in actions:\n",
"# assert action in game.legal_actions(state)\n",
"# state = game.next_state(state, action)\n",
"# print(f'p0: {render_cards(state[0])}\\n'\n",
"# f'p1: {render_cards(state[1])}\\n'\n",
"# f'p2: {render_cards(state[2])}\\n'\n",
"# f'p3: {render_cards(state[3])}\\n\\n'\n",
"# f'{render_cards(state[4])} -- player {state[9]} to go.\\n\\n')\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def resolve(state, game, tree):\n",
" # returns: (sum of tricks taken by makers,\n",
" # sum of tricks taken by defenders,\n",
" # sum of points by makers,\n",
" # sum of points by defenders,\n",
" # minimax tricks taken by makers,\n",
" # number of outcomes)\n",
" if state in tree:\n",
" return tree[state]\n",
" legal = game.legal_actions(state)\n",
" if not legal:\n",
" tricks = state[7]\n",
" return (tricks, 5 - tricks, SCORING[tricks], OPPO[5 - tricks], tricks, 1)\n",
" children = [game.next_state(state, action) for action in legal]\n",
" results = [resolve(S, game, tree) for S in children]\n",
" team = state[8] & 1\n",
" f = max if team == (state[9] & 1) else min\n",
" value = (sum(r[0] for r in results),\n",
" sum(r[1] for r in results),\n",
" sum(r[2] for r in results),\n",
" sum(r[3] for r in results),\n",
" f(r[4] for r in results),\n",
" sum(r[5] for r in results))\n",
" tree[state] = value\n",
" return value"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"games = [('Jacks', Jacks()), ('Aces', Aces()), ('No Bowers', NoBowers())]"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"deck = euchre_deck()\n",
"initial_state = deck_to_state(deck)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"p0: A♠ 10♠ Q♣ A♢ Q♢, p1: Q♠ J♠ 9♠ K♣ 9♣, p2: K♠ 10♣ J♡ 9♡ 10♢, p3: J♣ K♡ Q♡ 10♡ K♢, turned up: A♡\n",
" tricks points points tricks outcomes\n",
" maker maker defend minimax\n",
" (avg) (avg) (avg) (num)\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♡ -- 1.832 0.153 1.693 1 6888672\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♡ -- 3.168 0.847 0.307 4 6888672\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♡ -- 1.832 0.153 1.693 1 6888672\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♡ -- 3.168 0.847 0.307 4 6888672\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♠ -- 1.474 0.124 1.752 0 306056\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♣ -- 1.449 0.067 1.867 0 519472\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♢ -- 3.359 0.933 0.325 5 987156\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♠ -- 3.526 1.012 0.248 5 306056\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♣ -- 3.551 1.036 0.133 5 519472\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♢ -- 1.641 0.163 1.675 0 987156\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♠ -- 1.474 0.124 1.752 0 306056\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♣ -- 1.449 0.067 1.867 0 519472\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♢ -- 3.359 0.933 0.325 5 987156\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♠ -- 3.526 1.012 0.248 5 306056\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♣ -- 3.551 1.036 0.133 5 519472\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♢ -- 1.641 0.163 1.675 0 987156\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♡ -- 1.685 0.148 1.705 0 2831544\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♡ -- 3.315 0.915 0.295 5 2831544\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♡ -- 1.685 0.148 1.705 0 2831544\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♡ -- 3.315 0.915 0.295 5 2831544\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♠ -- 2.623 0.547 0.910 2 522168\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♣ -- 2.777 0.648 0.727 3 795636\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♢ -- 3.285 0.899 0.388 4 649296\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♠ -- 2.377 0.455 1.090 3 522168\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♣ -- 2.223 0.363 1.273 2 795636\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♢ -- 1.715 0.194 1.612 1 649296\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♠ -- 2.623 0.547 0.910 2 522168\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♣ -- 2.777 0.648 0.727 3 795636\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♢ -- 3.285 0.899 0.388 4 649296\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♠ -- 2.377 0.455 1.090 3 522168\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♣ -- 2.223 0.363 1.273 2 795636\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♢ -- 1.715 0.194 1.612 1 649296\n",
"No Bowers\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♡ -- 1.058 0.039 1.922 0 6743448\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♡ -- 3.942 1.237 0.078 5 6743448\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♡ -- 1.058 0.039 1.922 0 6743448\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♡ -- 3.942 1.237 0.078 5 6743448\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♠ -- 2.623 0.547 0.910 2 522168\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♣ -- 2.230 0.389 1.222 3 720072\n",
" maker: 0, suit: ♢ -- 3.285 0.899 0.388 4 649296\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♠ -- 2.377 0.455 1.090 3 522168\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♣ -- 2.770 0.634 0.778 2 720072\n",
" maker: 1, suit: ♢ -- 1.715 0.194 1.612 1 649296\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♠ -- 2.623 0.547 0.910 2 522168\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♣ -- 2.230 0.389 1.222 3 720072\n",
" maker: 2, suit: ♢ -- 3.285 0.899 0.388 4 649296\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♠ -- 2.377 0.455 1.090 3 522168\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♣ -- 2.770 0.634 0.778 2 720072\n",
" maker: 3, suit: ♢ -- 1.715 0.194 1.612 1 649296\n",
"CPU times: user 5min 8s, sys: 2.39 s, total: 5min 10s\n",
"Wall time: 5min 11s\n"
"source": [
"print(f'p0: {render_cards(initial_state[0])}, '\n",
" f'p1: {render_cards(initial_state[1])}, '\n",
" f'p2: {render_cards(initial_state[2])}, '\n",
" f'p3: {render_cards(initial_state[3])}, '\n",
" f'turned up: {render_cards(initial_state[4])}\\n')\n",
"print(\" tricks points points tricks outcomes\\n\"\n",
" \" maker maker defend minimax\\n\"\n",
" \" (avg) (avg) (avg) (num)\")\n",
"for name, game in games:\n",
" print(name)\n",
" state = initial_state\n",
" bid_final = []\n",
" queue = deque()\n",
" queue.append(state)\n",
" while queue:\n",
" state = queue.popleft()\n",
" legal = game.legal_actions(state)\n",
" bid_final.extend(game.next_state(state, action) for action in legal\n",
" if action == 'pickup' or action.startswith('declare'))\n",
" queue.extend(game.next_state(state, action) for action in legal if action == 'pass')\n",
" for bid_state in bid_final:\n",
" tree = {}\n",
" sum_t, sum_oppo_t, sum_p, sum_oppo_p, minimax, num = resolve(bid_state, game, tree)\n",
" print(f' maker: {bid_state[8]}, suit: {SUITS[bid_state[5] - 1]} --'\n",
" f' {sum_t/num:0.3f} {sum_p/num:0.3f} {sum_oppo_p/num:0.3f} {minimax} {num}')\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
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