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Created July 7, 2016 21:16
Function accepts and OpenInsight table handle and resolve the handle back to a table name.
Given the example:
Open 'SYSLISTS' To OpenTableHandle Else Debug
The Function will return the name of the table From the handle.
If Unassigned(OpenTableHandle) Then Return ''
Created July 11, 2016 00:45
Given the name of an existing RDK View Name it produces a report of the stored procedures and the modified dates. It could be adapted to list out any other entity type too.
*Name of the RDK to list in the current repository.
If Unassigned(RDKView) Or RDKView EQ '' Then RDKView = 'TEST_RDK'
$Insert Logical
Declare Subroutine Rlist, Set_Status, Run_Report, Msg
Declare Function Get_Status, Run_Report
Err = ''
jbratu / mailgun_check_bounce.oibp
Created July 23, 2016 01:15
OpenInsight code to check mailgun for bounced email messages.
Function mailgun_check_bounce(params)
* Description: Simple example problem to query the MailGun email server to check for if the
* specified email address bounced and get the reason why.
* Program demonstrates the use of WinHTTP COM Object and JSON values.
* Example use only. Requires configuration of static variables for example.
* Set CheckAddressBounced, APIKey, APIDomain before use.
Created July 29, 2016 18:53
Given a list of volumes, tables, and applications the routine will detach the existing tables, re-attach them with a different UNC, and then save the DBT file so the tables are available at next OpenInsight launch.
Use this routine To change the UNC prefix In the list of Tables
And re-save the DBT file.
*Prefixes to change from and to. Format:
ChangePrefixes = ""
ChangePrefixes<-1> = '\\\,\\OBERLIN\'
jbratu / UpdateRevparamFilesFromUD.vbs
Last active August 3, 2016 17:43
Simple utility for OpenInsight to use the Universal Driver revparam file as a template to update all revparam files found in the path specified. Usage example: cscript UpdateRevparamFilesFromUD.vbs "C:\Revsoft\Universal Driver" "C:\Revsoft\OInsight94"
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 OR WScript.Arguments.Count > 2 Then
'Wrong number of arguments. Show help and exit
WScript.Echo "Update revparam files. Use the revparam file in the source folder and update all found in destination path"
WScript.echo "Example: cscript.exe UpdateRevparamFilesFromUD.vbs ""C:\Revsoft\Universal Driver"" ""C:\Revsoft\OInsight94Eval"""
End If
jbratu / PARSE_CSV_ROW.oibp
Created August 30, 2016 12:04
Given a CSV row with double quotes, commas in fields, and double quoted escaped fields, parse it into a FM delimited field.
Function PARSE_CSV_ROW(Row)
Usage examples were row is:
80685,"56945","UNIQUE","PARCEL RETURN SERVICE","DC","PRIMARY",38.89,-77.03,0.17,-0.75,0.62,"NA","US","Parcel Return Service, DC","NA-US-DC-PARCEL RETURN SERVICE","false",,,,"no NWS data, "
80712,"02239","UNIQUE","COM/ENERGY SERVICES","MA","ACCEPTABLE",42.36,-71.10,0.23,-0.69,0.67,"NA","US","Com/energy Services, MA","NA-US-MA-COM/ENERGY SERVICES","true",,,,"Converted Decommisioned Zipcodes"
456,"Some ""Special"" field",another with no quotes
$Insert Logical
*Ensure the loop variable i isn't already in use from a parent loop
If Unassigned(i) Then Else If i NE '' Then debug
For i = 1 To ControlsCOunt
*Loop processing here
Next ; i = '' ;* Reset i for another loop
Val = "Hello World"
ValEnc = ICONV(Val, "[URL_FORMAT]")
Last active September 13, 2016 15:47
OpenInsight sample snippet to show how any recognized file on the system can be opened by the file extension's registered application.
*Common to hold our control between runs so it isn't re-initialized on each call
common /wscript_launch_control/ wsLauncher, wsLauncherAssigned
If Assigned(wsLauncherAssigned) Else wsLauncherAssigned = ''
If wsLauncherAssigned Else
*Control not initialized, do it now
jbratu / powershelldayofweek.oibp
Created October 10, 2016 03:01
Using PowerShell from OpenInsight to Determine Day of Week. Basic+ snippet that returns the day of the week for a particular date using the .NET library. Given a date like '10/07/2016' the code will return 'Friday'
Param1 = '10/07/2016' ;* Date to find the day of week name.
*The powershell command to run.
S = 'Write-Host (get-date "%%PARAM%%").DayOfWeek'
*Swap the parameter place holder with the date
Swap '%%PARAM%%' With Param1 In S
*Build the command to run
Cmd = "PowerShell.exe -c ": S