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jbtule / create-nuget.bat
Last active December 16, 2015 18:59
Create,Publish Nuget Package w/ Symbols&Source
@echo off
IF %1.==. GOTO WrongArgs
..\.nuget\nuget.exe pack ..\%1\%1.csproj -Build -Properties Configuration=Release -Symbols
ECHO "create-nuget <projectname>"
jbtule /
Last active December 11, 2015 00:58
Create test data for keyczar via bourne shell script.
#!/bin/sh -x
./ "cs" "mono KeyczarTool.exe"
# python requires
./ "py" "python keyczar/"
# java requires
./ "j" "java -jar KeyczarTool.jar"
jbtule / AESGCM.cs
Last active October 30, 2023 21:14
I have two code examples that I wrote for best practices encrypting a string in c#. They are both using authenticated encryption.
* This work (Modern Encryption of a String C#, by James Tuley),
* identified by James Tuley, is free of known copyright restrictions.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
AliMD / gist:3344523
Created August 13, 2012 22:28
All github Emoji (Smiles)

All github Emoji (Smiles)

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ovatsus / Setup.fsx
Created March 17, 2012 17:07
Script to setup F# Interactive session, loading everything in the current solution
#r "System.Xml.Linq"
open System
open System.IO
open System.Xml.Linq
let script = seq {
//TODO: this currently loads fsproj's in alphabeticall order, we should instead
//build the dependencies graph of the fsproj's and load them in topological sort order