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jcbjhnsn / gist:1663560
Created January 23, 2012 15:06 — forked from diiq/gist:1660566
Things no one told me about drawing stuff

I have a friend who asked for some thoughts about his drawings. It was gonna be pretty public anyway, so once I realized that I needed half a dozen pictures to make my point, I asked if I could put my reply here.

I am qualified to say things about drawing because I am mediocre. Being mediocre is the best qualification, because it means I've had to really work to learn to make a nice drawing. Naturally talented people make poor teachers, because they haven't made all the mistakes. I've made plenty of them, and I'll make plenty more, but I am slowly mapping the minefield.

I'm gonna skip basics, 'cause you've heard them. (If you haven't, try reading Andrew Loomis: Drawing the Head and Hands, and Figure Drawing for All Its Worth; and Betty Edwards: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. The first two are free online.) Rather than say the same thing that every drawing book says, I wanna say the things that no one ever told me. I'm also gonna skip the complement sandwich --- you're doing fine. Your instincts

jcbjhnsn / The brain and notation
Created June 26, 2012 08:58
A problem of notation and base 10
; NUMB63R5 by abtruse goose
; a problem of notation and base 10
10 * 10 + 11 * 11 + 12 * 12 = 365
10 * 10 = 100
11 * 11 = 121
12 * 12 = 144
100 + 121+ 144 = 365