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Created February 19, 2020 15:16
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matrix factorization via gradient descent from scratch
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class matrix_factorization():
def __init__(self,data,features):
import numpy as np = data
self.features = features
self.user_count = data.shape[0]
self.item_count = data.shape[1]
self.user_features = np.random.uniform(low=0.1,high=0.9,size=(self.user_count,self.features))
self.item_features = np.random.uniform(low=0.1,high=0.9,size=(self.features,self.item_count))
def MSE(self):
matrix_product = np.matmul(self.user_features,self.item_features)
return np.sum(( - matrix_product)**2)
def single_gradient(self,user_row,item_col,wrt_user_idx=None,wrt_item_idx=None):
Computes the gradient of a user-item cell with respect to a user_feature cell or feature-item cell
if wrt_user_idx != None and wrt_item_idx != None:
return "Too many elements"
elif wrt_user_idx == None and wrt_item_idx == None:
return "insufficient elements"
u_row = self.user_features[user_row,:]
i_col = self.item_features[:,item_col]
ui_rating = float([user_row,item_col])
prediction = float(,i_col))
if wrt_user_idx != None:
row_elem = float(i_col[wrt_user_idx])
gradient = 2*(ui_rating - prediction)*row_elem
col_elem = float(u_row[wrt_item_idx])
gradient = 2*(ui_rating - prediction)*col_elem
return gradient
def user_feature_gradient(self,user_row,wrt_user_idx):
Averages the gradients of all user-items cells in a given row with respect to the same user-feature cell
summation = 0
for col in range(0,self.item_count):
summation += self.single_gradient(user_row=user_row,item_col=col,wrt_user_idx=wrt_user_idx)
return summation/self.item_count
def item_feature_gradient(self,item_col,wrt_item_idx):
Averages the gradients of all user-items cells in a given col with respect to the same user-feature cell
summation = 0
for row in range(0,self.user_count):
summation += self.single_gradient(user_row=row,item_col=item_col,wrt_item_idx=wrt_item_idx)
return summation/self.user_count
def update_user_features(self,learning_rate):
Iteratively applies user_feature_gradient function with learning rate to all user-feature parameters
for i in range(0,self.user_count):
for j in range(0,self.features):
self.user_features[i,j] += learning_rate*self.user_feature_gradient(user_row=i,wrt_user_idx=j)
def update_item_features(self,learning_rate):
Iteratively applies item_feature_gradient function with learning rate to all feature-item parameters
for i in range(0,self.features):
for j in range(0,self.item_count):
self.item_features[i,j] += learning_rate*self.item_feature_gradient(item_col=j,wrt_item_idx=i)
def train_model(self,learning_rate=0.1,iterations=1000):
Trains the model with default learnign rate and iteration count values
for i in range(iterations):
if i % 50 == 0:
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