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brandonb927 /
Last active October 16, 2024 08:41
OSX for Hackers: Yosemite/El Capitan Edition. This script tries not to be *too* opinionated and any major changes to your system require a prompt. You've been warned.
# SOME COMMANDS WILL NOT WORK ON macOS (Sierra or newer)
# For Sierra or newer, see
# Alot of these configs have been taken from the various places
# on the web, most from here
javouhey / gist:9182400
Created February 24, 2014 05:26
Better git log
git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"

Use GnuPG to sign pkgsrc packages on SmartOS

I hope you have an public an private key already. If not there a lot of manuals out there who explain that very well.

Install the requirements

I would like to use gpg version 2 which supports gpg agent.

pkgin in gnupg2
xbmcnut / shellypm1_fan.yaml
Last active March 12, 2021 08:19
How to make a dumb device smart using a Shelly PM1 | Fan Template example in Home Assistant
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Master Bedroom Fan"
# Measures the power use from a Shelly1 PM and if over 3W, marks the fan as on
value_template: "{% if states('sensor.bedroom_fan_shelly_power') | float > 3 %}on{% else %}off{% endif %}"
# Uses the Shelly1 PM sensor value to determine what speed the fan is going at. Only set to measure 1, 2 & 3
speed_template: "{{ states('sensor.template_fan_speed_master') }}"
# Uses a fake switch from an input_boolean as the fan has no way of reporting direction back to HA
flaviut / Setting up Emporia Vue 2 with
Last active August 22, 2024 18:14
Setting up Emporia Vue 2 with ESPHome