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jefflembeck / ios-test.css
Created October 19, 2011 20:10 — forked from tonywok/ios-test.css
iOS Media Queries
// iOS Media Queries
// Goal: capture styles for iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad, and iPad 2
// Author: Tony Schneider (@tonywok)
// Please tell me where I fail. :)
// iPhone v(4,4S) portrait
// test: black text (overwritten by v* portrait) with blue background
@media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (orientation: portrait) {
a {
jefflembeck / fixorientationzoom.js
Created January 6, 2012 01:21 — forked from scottjehl/fixorientationzoom.js
Fix iOS Orientation Change Zoom Bug
An attempt at fixing the dreaded iOS orientationchange zoom bug Seems to work!
Authored by @scottjehl
MIT License.
var doc = w.document;
if( !doc.querySelectorAll ){ return; }
jefflembeck / gist:2040712
Created March 15, 2012 00:33 — forked from dangayle/gist:2040573
jquery slider loop thing
//Originally from
var InfiniteRotator =
itemInterval: 3000,
infiniteLoop: function() {
$('.sliderItem').eq(currentItem).stop().transition({opacity: 0},2000);
//if at last item, reset currentItem to 0
// 1: how could you rewrite the following to make it shorter?
if (foo) {
} else {
First, I have to come clean. When [Scott tweeted about wanting a web app version of Grunticon]( a couple of weeks ago, I had never used Grunticon. Actually, still to this day I've never used Grunticon. Shocking...I know.
Of course, I had heard of it. I am a big proponent of using Grunt and use it everywhere to help automate my life. And I follow enough people on Twitter/read enough blogs/listen to enough podcast to have gotten ample exposure to Grunticon and it sounded really cool. So when I saw Scott's tweet I took to action.
Before reading on, if you're not familiar with [Grunticon]( or [Grumpicon](, check those out first.
Here are kind of the steps on how Grumpicon works:
1. Handle drag and dropped SVG files
2. Read the SVGs