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ckdake / nerdiestthingsofalltime.csv
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Top 10 Nerdiest Things Of All Time list from a handful of people at Big Nerd Ranch
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 7 should actually have 10 columns, instead of 7. in line 6.
Dwarf Fortress,Dwarf Fortress,Dwarf Fortress,Dwarf Fortress,Dwarf Fortress,Dwarf Fortress,Tabletop RPGs,Dwarf Fortress,Dwarf Fortress,Dwarf Fortress
Pokemon,Star Wars,Ardiuno,Eclipse,Xcode,Android,Nerd Ranches,Bill Gates,Steve Balmer,Aaron Hillegass
Nethack,Dungeons and Dragons,MUDs,LARPing,Calculator watches,Comics,CCGs,MMORPGs,Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!,There are only 10 types of people...
Nerdiest Things Of All Time Surverys,LARP,Dungeons and Dragons,Coding for Commodore 64,Programming your own TI-82 Games,Cosplay,John Carmack,Steve Wosniak,Misfired High Five,Short sleeved plaid shirts
Magic,Astronomy,Mathematics,Physics,Science Fiction,Electronics,Computers,Programming,Philosophy,Woodworking
Singh's Mac OS X Internals book,Fountain pens,Molecular gastronomy,Indo-European poetics,Derridean post-structuralism,New Hacker's Dictionary / The Jargon File,Hacker's Delight,Napier's bones,Proust,Medieval alchemical manuscripts
LARPing,Whirlyball Bachelor Parties,FaerieCon,Reenactments,Code Golf,Pale Skin,Coll
matthiasplappert / gist:9493050
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
QuickLook Debugging for `UIView`
@interface UIView (MPAdditions)
@implementation UIView (MPAdditions)
- (id)debugQuickLookObject {
if (self.bounds.size.width < 0.0f || self.bounds.size.height < 0.0f) {
return nil;
ericdke /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Simple tips for podcast voice recording
  • Beware of the compressor, a double-edged sword. Only use it with discretion, and don't follow the parameters or indications, use your ears and believe in what they tell you. Don't use it to try and tame pops and rumbles anyway, its real goal is to reduce the discrepancy between the low levels and the high levels of your recording.
  • Use the high-pass (sometimes called low-cut) of your mic, it will remove the pops and rumbles better than any other tool.
  • If your mic doesn't have a high-pass, or if it sounds harsh, do it yourself with an EQ in Garageband or whatever you're using. Use a 45° slope that cuts under 80HZ (on average).
  • Position of the mic: avoid direct voice impulse towards the capsule, find an angle that allows your voice to 'roll over' it but without inducing any 'hollow' feeling.
  • If your 's' are a bit harsh, a first step is generally to try and make a concave shape around 7KHZ, but be careful because it can make the voice sound dull if you dig too much or too broadly there.
erkyrath /
Created June 14, 2014 01:05
Somebody out there will laugh...
BASIC is a room.
To (line - number) PRINT (msg - text): (- .basic_{line}; print (TEXT_TY_Say) {msg}; new_line; -).
To (line - number) GOTO (dest - number): (- .basic_{line}; jump basic_{dest}; -).
When play begins:
10 PRINT "Hello.";
20 GOTO 40;
30 PRINT "This is never printed.";
#!/Applications/ -i -sdk /Applications/
import Foundation
class JSON {
struct Path: Printable {
enum Element {
case Index(Int)
case Key(String)
import UIKit
class GenericTVCDelegate<A> : NSObject, UITableViewDataSource {
var cellCreator:A->UITableViewCell
var data:[A]
init(cellCreator:A->UITableViewCell, data:[A]) {
self.cellCreator = cellCreator = data
EverythingSolution / gist:1255741
Created October 1, 2011 07:47
Subpixel Test
static inline CGColorSpaceRef GetDeviceGrayScaleColorSpace(void)
static CGColorSpaceRef deviceGrayscaleSpace = NULL;
if (deviceGrayscaleSpace == NULL)
deviceGrayscaleSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
return deviceGrayscaleSpace;
static inline CGContextRef CreateGrayScaleCGBitmapContextForWidthAndHeight(void *data,
unsigned int width,
Nadrin / ABI
Created April 6, 2012 11:42 — forked from 0xabad1dea/ABI
0x10c Programming Notes
On April 5 2012, #0x10c-dev agreed to the following standard ABI:
- Registers A, B, C are clobberable across calls
- Registers I, J, X, Y, Z are preserved across calls
- Return in A
- J is used for base stack pointer (preserving the value of SP before allocating data for locals)
mikeash / test.m
Created July 9, 2012 21:15
Cocoa array slicing
// clang -framework Foundation -fobjc-arc -O3 test.m
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Slice : NSObject
@property NSInteger start;
@property NSInteger length;
@implementation Slice
jfdm / FoobarE.idr
Last active October 13, 2015 13:34
module FoobarE
import Effects
import Effect.State
import Effect.StdIO
namespace Lib
MyLib : Type -> Type
MyLib rTy = Eff rTy ['libstate ::: STATE (List Nat), STDIO]