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Last active May 21, 2019 16:22
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custom e-commerce D3 map
//must stick to ES5
;(function iftMapFunction(){
"use strict";
//for in loop
function UTILITY_clearThisObject(objectToEnumerate){
for(var thisPropName in objectToEnumerate) {
objectToEnumerate[thisPropName] = '';
//moving singular values here allows key/value pairs of mapStatusContainer to all be of the same shape (max 8);
var singularViewOnlyStatusContainer = {
currentStateCode: ''
,currentStateName: ''
var userAlreadySavedSections = {
userHomeSectionProductID: null
,additionalAlreadySavedSections: []
,additionalComponentSavedSections: []
function MapStatusContainerDeepARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR(currentProductId, currentProductCode, currentProductName, currentComponentProductId, currentComponentProductCode, currentComponentProductShortName, currentMemberPrice, currentPostalCodeRange, currentComponentParentProduct){
this.currentProductId = currentProductId;
this.currentProductCode = currentProductCode;
this.currentProductName = currentProductName;
this.currentComponentProductId = currentComponentProductId;
this.currentComponentProductCode = currentComponentProductCode;
this.currentComponentProductShortName = currentComponentProductShortName;
this.currentMemberPrice = currentMemberPrice;
this.currentPostalCodeRange = currentPostalCodeRange;
this.currentComponentParentProduct = currentComponentParentProduct;
//MAX 8
var mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY = [];
function constructFreshMapStatusContainerModel(){
for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++){
var thisConstructedThing = new MapStatusContainerDeepARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
//doesNotNeedToBeGlobal,but itS more readable if the clear function is visually next to the model
function safeManualResetOfmapStatusContainerDeepARRAY(){
mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY = [];
//hidden or not handled by iterator elsewhere -- but could create a model for it
// function PanelDisplayStatusARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR(hiddenOrNot, disabledOrNot, isComponentOrNot){}
function OutputStatusContainerDeepARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR(ProductId, ProductName, ComponentProductId, ComponentProductShortName, MemberPrice){
this.ProductId = ProductId;
this.ProductName = ProductName;
this.ComponentProductId = ComponentProductId;
this.ComponentProductShortName = ComponentProductShortName;
this.MemberPrice = MemberPrice;
//max 8
var deepOutputObjectForStaging = [];
function constructFreshStagingContainerModel(){
for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++){
var thisConstructedThing = new OutputStatusContainerDeepARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR(null, null, null, null, null);
function OutputStatusContainerDeepARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR__COMPONENTS(ProductId, ProductName, ComponentProductId, ComponentProductShortName, MemberPrice){
this.ProductId = ProductId;
this.ProductName = ProductName;
this.ComponentProductId = ComponentProductId;
this.ComponentProductShortName = ComponentProductShortName;
this.MemberPrice = MemberPrice;
var deepOutputObjectForStagingCOMPONENTS = [];
function constructFreshStagingContainerModelCOMPONENTS(){
for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++){
var thisConstructedThing = new OutputStatusContainerDeepARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR__COMPONENTS(null, null, null, null, null);
//doesNotNeedToBeGlobal,but itS more readable if the clear function is visually next to the model
function safeManualResetOfOutputStatusContainerDeepARRAY(){
deepOutputObjectForStaging = [];
deepOutputObjectForStagingCOMPONENTS = [];
//the staging container is a bit different because itS order matters and must be preserved
function setUserPreselections(){
//sets property userAlreadySavedSections.userHomeSectionProductID
//reference to span to check for home section
var hiddenInputToCheckForHomeSections = document.getElementById('IFTHomeSectionProductId');
//global asterisk selector in case this is prefixed or suffexed in some way
var nodeListOfOptionalSectionsInputs = document.querySelectorAll('input[id*="MembershipJoinSection_SectionRepeater"]');
var nodeListOfComponentProductsAlreadySelected = document.querySelectorAll('[id$="IFTSectionProductIdComponent"');
var componentSectionHiddenInput = document.getElementById('ctl00_MainContent_ctl00_MembershipJoinSection_componentRepeater_ctl00_IFTSectionProductIdComponent');
if(hiddenInputToCheckForHomeSections !== null && hiddenInputToCheckForHomeSections.value !== null){
userAlreadySavedSections.userHomeSectionProductID = parseInt(hiddenInputToCheckForHomeSections.value);
if(nodeListOfOptionalSectionsInputs !== null){
for(var i = 0; i < nodeListOfOptionalSectionsInputs.length; i++){
var valueOfInput = parseInt(nodeListOfOptionalSectionsInputs[i].value);
//data has some stray 0s
if (valueOfInput !== 0){
(function getDataQuirkValues(){
var theCompProdCodeToMatch;
var theRawSectionItemBelongingToHomeUserSelection = rawSectionData.SectionItems.filter(function(thisRawSectionItem){
return thisRawSectionItem.ProductId === userAlreadySavedSections.userHomeSectionProductID;
theCompProdCodeToMatch = thisRawSect.ProductCode + 'C';
//console.log('heyYo' + thisRawSect.ProductCode);
var theRawSectionItemsBelongingToQuirkyOnPageValues = rawSectionData.SectionItems.filter(function(thisRawSectionItem){
return thisRawSectionItem.ComponentProductCode === theCompProdCodeToMatch;
for(var zzTop = 0; zzTop < userAlreadySavedSections.additionalAlreadySavedSections.length; zzTop++){
var prodCodePlusC;
var theRawSectionItemBelongingToThisPageProvidedValues = rawSectionData.SectionItems.filter(function(thisRawSectionItem){
return thisRawSectionItem.ComponentProductId === userAlreadySavedSections.additionalAlreadySavedSections[zzTop];
prodCodePlusC = x.ProductCode + 'C';
var theRawSectionItemsOfAssociatedComponentProducts = rawSectionData.SectionItems.filter(function(thisRwSctItm){
return thisRwSctItm.ComponentProductCode === prodCodePlusC
if(nodeListOfComponentProductsAlreadySelected !== null){
for(var ii = 0; ii < nodeListOfComponentProductsAlreadySelected.length; ii++){
//these keys can be used later to filter mapStatusContainer at queryTime
var fieldsRequiredByPanelView = {
currentProductName: ''
,currentMemberPrice: ''
,currentComponentProductShortName: ''
,currentPostalCodeRange: ''
function iftMapFunctionInit(){
//construct models
//donT put text value here because it might be null and i donT want any logic in this variable declaration area.
//get reference to outermost wrapper to show/hide with modal
var iftMapWrapperOuter = document.getElementById('iftMapWrapperOuter');
var iftMapButtonOpen = document.getElementById('iftMapButtonOpen');
var iftMapButtonClose = document.getElementById('iftMapButtonCloseWrapper');
var iftMapButtonCancel = document.getElementById('iftMapButtonCancel');
var seletedStateDisplay = document.getElementById('seletedStateDisplay');
var stateSelectMenu = document.getElementById('stateSelectMenu');
var internationalSelectMenu = document.getElementById('internationalSelectMenu');
var arrayOfSpansToPopulateEmpty ='.iftMap__sectionData__wrapper span'));
var hiddenInputForBackend = document.getElementById('IFTSavedSectionHiddenfield');
var hiddenInputForBackendCOMPONENTS = document.getElementById('ctl00_MainContent_ctl00_MembershipJoinSection_IFTSavedSectionHiddenfieldCOMPONENTS');
var activeStateString = 'iftMapWrapperOuter--ACTIVE-STATE';
var disabledStateString = 'iftMap__sectionData__wrapper--DISABLED-STATE';
var hiddenStateString = 'iftMap__sectionData__wrapper--HIDDEN-STATE';
//already have a reference, but itS more general for etch-a-sketch reasons
var nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate = document.querySelectorAll('.iftMap__sectionData__wrapper');
var arrayOfPanelsToPopulate =;
var arrayOfArrayOfFieldsToPopulate = [];
var nodeListOfCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.iftMap__sectionData__wrapper [type="checkbox"]');
var arrayOfCheckboxes =;
var arrayOfSpans ='span'));
var svg ='#iftMap');
var path = d3.geoPath();
//d3.json('javascripts/data/topoJSONusCustom.json', function(error, data) {
d3.json('../Scripts/data/topoJSONusCustom.json', function(error, data) {
if (error) throw error;
.attr('class', 'states iftMap__svg__g')
.data(topojson.feature(data, data.objects.states).features)
.attr('id', function(thisState){
.attr('class', 'usState iftMap__svg__path')
.attr('d', path)
.on('click', function(thisState){
mapHandlerFunction('click', thisState, 'isFromMap');
.attr('class', 'state-borders iftMap__svg__path--stateBorders')
.attr('d', path(topojson.mesh(data, data.objects.states, function(a, b) { return a !== b; })));
function mapHandlerFunction(event, statefromD3, isFromMap){
//if a state on the map has been clicked
if(isFromMap) {
singularViewOnlyStatusContainer.currentStateCode =;
singularViewOnlyStatusContainer.currentStateName =;
stateSelectMenu.value = singularViewOnlyStatusContainer.currentStateCode;
//if a dropdown item has been selected (select menu visible only on mobile)
else if( === 'stateSelectMenu') {
singularViewOnlyStatusContainer.currentStateCode = stateSelectMenu.options[stateSelectMenu.selectedIndex].value;
singularViewOnlyStatusContainer.currentStateName = stateSelectMenu.options[stateSelectMenu.selectedIndex].text;
//if an international item has been selected
else if( === 'internationalSelectMenu'){
singularViewOnlyStatusContainer.currentStateCode = internationalSelectMenu.options[internationalSelectMenu.selectedIndex].value;
singularViewOnlyStatusContainer.currentStateName = internationalSelectMenu.options[internationalSelectMenu.selectedIndex].text;
//clear dropdown list since not usState
stateSelectMenu.value = '';
//OK, now display!
}//end mapHandlerFunction
//this is a css thing
function unRevealPanels(){
//preserve nodelist & stick to For loops here (foreach not fully supported)
for(var i = 0; i < nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate.length; i++){
//this also ties into functionality
function disablePanels(){
for(var i = 0; i < nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate.length; i++){
nodeListOfCheckboxes[i].disabled = true;
function removeAddActiveState(thenAdd){
//query statecode
var selectedItem = document.querySelector('.usState--SELECTED');
//if there is an active item, remove itS active class.
if (selectedItem !== null){
selectedItem.setAttribute('class', 'usState iftMap__svg__path')
//IE11 isn't handling classlist correctly here
document.getElementById(singularViewOnlyStatusContainer.currentStateCode).setAttribute('class', 'usState iftMap__svg__path usState--SELECTED');
function clearTonsOfStuffBeforeWritingDataToPage(){
//start by clearing models
//clear the input value we are populating for the backend on section click
//next, clear content, flags and data attributes
//(could consult model)
//reset statuses of the panels themselves;
function writeDataToThePage(){
//called without arguments becuase that function queries the model
//FILTER SectionItems array to make new subarray of matching state sections (max 8)
var matchingSectionItems = rawSectionData.SectionItems.filter(function(sectionItem){
return sectionItem.StateCode === singularViewOnlyStatusContainer.currentStateCode
if(matchingSectionItems.length < 1){
//now, map function to that new subarray
var iteratorNum = 0;
var indexOfPanelContainingHomeUserSection;
var indexesOfPanelsContainingAlreadySavedSections = [];
//if doing a map method with a counter, might be more idiomatic to use for loop{
//not all of these things should be in the map
var indexOfSectionItem = rawSectionData.SectionItems.indexOf(matchingSectionItem);
(function setAllTheProperties(){
//this is hardcoded, kinda. The order matters, so this should be a list operation. Or at least a forEach for ForIn loop. Better to do a list operation over properties
mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[iteratorNum].currentProductId = rawSectionData.SectionItems[indexOfSectionItem].ProductId;
mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[iteratorNum].currentProductCode = rawSectionData.SectionItems[indexOfSectionItem].ProductCode;
mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[iteratorNum].currentProductName = rawSectionData.SectionItems[indexOfSectionItem].ProductName;
mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[iteratorNum].currentComponentProductId = rawSectionData.SectionItems[indexOfSectionItem].ComponentProductId;
mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[iteratorNum].currentComponentProductCode = rawSectionData.SectionItems[indexOfSectionItem].ComponentProductCode;
mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[iteratorNum].currentComponentProductShortName = rawSectionData.SectionItems[indexOfSectionItem].ComponentProductShortName;
mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[iteratorNum].currentMemberPrice = rawSectionData.SectionItems[indexOfSectionItem].MemberPrice;
mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[iteratorNum].currentPostalCodeRange = rawSectionData.SectionItems[indexOfSectionItem].PostalCodeRange;
mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[iteratorNum].currentComponentParentProduct = rawSectionData.SectionItems[indexOfSectionItem].ComponentParentProduct;
});//end of
(function populatePanels(){
for(var z = 0; z < nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate.length; z++){
var arrayOfSpansInThisPanel = arrayOfArrayOfFieldsToPopulate[z];
//4 spans per panel, so the function in the loop below will run 16 times
for(var zz = 0; zz < arrayOfSpansInThisPanel.length; zz++){
var valueForThisField = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[z][Object.keys(fieldsRequiredByPanelView)[zz]];
arrayOfSpansInThisPanel[zz].innerHTML = valueForThisField;
//using currentComponentParentProduct as flag. May need to change test
var valueForParentPanel = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[z].currentComponentParentProduct;
nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[z].setAttribute('data-thispanel-productId', mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[z].currentProductId);
nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[z].setAttribute('data-thispanel-productCode', mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[z].currentProductCode);
nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[z].setAttribute('data-thispanel-componentProductId', mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[z].currentComponentProductId);
nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[z].setAttribute('data-thispanel-componentProductCode', mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[z].currentComponentProductCode);
if(valueForParentPanel === 'IFT'){
nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[z].setAttribute('data-thispanel', 'thisPanelHasComponentSection');
//this runs once per state selection
(function actionsBasedOnSectionsUserAlreadyHas(){
for(var i = 0; i < matchingSectionItems.length; i++){
if(matchingSectionItems[i].ProductId === userAlreadySavedSections.userHomeSectionProductID){ //always just one
indexOfPanelContainingHomeUserSection = i;
//if the product ID of the matching section item is one of the already selected sections
userAlreadySavedSections.additionalAlreadySavedSections.indexOf(matchingSectionItems[i].ProductId) > -1
|| userAlreadySavedSections.additionalAlreadySavedSections.indexOf(matchingSectionItems[i].ComponentProductId) > -1
|| userAlreadySavedSections.additionalComponentSavedSections.indexOf(matchingSectionItems[i].ProductId) > -1
|| userAlreadySavedSections.additionalComponentSavedSections.indexOf(matchingSectionItems[i].ComponentProductId) > -1
var numToPush = i;
})();//end actionsBasedOnUserHomeSectionOuterMostFunction
//this runs once per state selection
(function panelStatusFunctionAfterStateChoice(){
for(var i = 0; i < nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate.length; i++){
var thisPanelToBeInspected = nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[i];
(function decideWhetherSectionIsComponent(){
(function decideTooltips(){
if(thisPanelToBeInspected.getAttribute('data-thispanel') === 'thisPanelHasComponentSection'){
var referenceElem = thisPanelToBeInspected.querySelectorAll('label')[0];
//here can go other decisions based on whether section is component product
})();//end decideWhetherSectionIsComponent
(function unDisablePanelsAfterStateChoice(){
//make sure record associated with the panel [using the index of the loop] does not contain user home section or already added sections before unDisabling a panel
if(i !== indexOfPanelContainingHomeUserSection && indexesOfPanelsContainingAlreadySavedSections.indexOf(i) < 0)
thisPanelToBeInspected.querySelector('input').disabled = false;
else {
//if panel DOES CONTAIN home state, so disable the input of course
thisPanelToBeInspected.querySelector('input').disabled = true;
(function unHidePanelsWithDataAfterStateChoice(){
//check the first span in the panel to see if there is any data
var firstSpanInPanel = thisPanelToBeInspected.querySelectorAll('span')[0];
var valOfQuickRef = firstSpanInPanel.innerHTML;
//if there is any actual value here, unhide the panel
if(valOfQuickRef !== null && valOfQuickRef !== 'null' && valOfQuickRef !== ''){
}//end for loop
})();//end of panelStatusFunctionPerStateChoice
}//end of write data to page function
function createToolTipOnDemand(theReferenceFormLabelElement){
var tooltipElement = document.createElement('i');
tooltipElement.setAttribute('class', 'niftyTooltip');
tooltipElement.setAttribute('data-toolTipText', 'Additional sections listed below are complimentary with this selection.');
tooltipElement.innerHTML = '<svg class="iconInfo" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><use xlink:href="#iconInfo"/></svg>';
var theFirstChild = theReferenceFormLabelElement.firstChild;
theReferenceFormLabelElement.insertBefore(tooltipElement, theFirstChild);
//IE doesNt support remove. Must target parent and remove child
function removeAllToolTips(){
var nodelistOfTooltips = document.querySelectorAll('.niftyTooltip');
if(nodelistOfTooltips !== null){
for(var i = 0; i < nodelistOfTooltips.length; i++){
function displayNoResultsMessage(){
var theMessageToDisplay = 'There are no sections available. Please choose another state';
var messageContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'noResultsMessageContainer';
messageContainer.innerHTML = '<span>' + theMessageToDisplay + '</span>';
var theReferenceElementInDoc = document.querySelectorAll('.dataDisplay__row > .col-sm-3')[0];
var theFirstChild = theReferenceElementInDoc.firstChild;
theReferenceElementInDoc.insertBefore(messageContainer, theFirstChild);
function displayAreaName(){
seletedStateDisplay.innerHTML = singularViewOnlyStatusContainer.currentStateName;
function clearPanelsOfContentAndDataAttributes(){
//force clears without consulting model{
thisSpan.innerHTML = '';
thisSpan.setAttribute('data-thisspan', '');
function clearNoResultsMessageContainer(){
//query this here, not at the top
var noResultsMessageContainer = document.getElementById('noResultsMessageContainer');
if(noResultsMessageContainer !== null){
//for IE 11
function clearCheckBoxes(){
for(var i = 0; i < nodeListOfCheckboxes.length; i++){
nodeListOfCheckboxes[i].checked = false;
function clearDataFlags(){
for(var i = 0; i < nodeListOfCheckboxes.length; i++){
nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[i].setAttribute('data-thispanel', '');
nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[i].setAttribute('data-thispanel-productId', '');
nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[i].setAttribute('data-thispanel-productCode', '');
nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[i].setAttribute('data-thispanel-componentProductId', '');
nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[i].setAttribute('data-thispanel-componentProductCode', '');
function clearHiddenInputForBackend(){
hiddenInputForBackend.value = '';
function clearHiddenInputForBackendCOMPONENTS(){
if(hiddenInputForBackendCOMPONENTS !== null){
hiddenInputForBackendCOMPONENTS.value = '';
function showHideWholeMap(event){
if(event.currentTarget === iftMapButtonOpen) {
if(event.currentTarget === iftMapButtonClose || event.currentTarget === iftMapButtonCancel) {
function checkBoxHandler(event){
var referenceToParentPanelOfCheckedInput = event.currentTarget.parentElement.parentElement;
//first clear the model & inputForBackend
//then adjust with panel status & stage stuff
adjustPanelStatusesBasedOnCurrentSelections(event, referenceToParentPanelOfCheckedInput);
function adjustPanelStatusesBasedOnCurrentSelections(event, referenceToParentPanelOfCheckedInput){
//map over panels to disable panels containing component products of the chosen section
var indexOfParentPanel = arrayOfPanelsToPopulate.indexOf(referenceToParentPanelOfCheckedInput);
//use FILTER to create an array of all panels that are NOT the one being interacted with
var arrayOfPanelsToAdjustMINUStheOnejustChosen = arrayOfPanelsToPopulate.filter(function(thisPanel){
//narrow that array so that it only includes components of currently interacted with thing
if(arrayOfPanelsToPopulate.indexOf(thisPanel) !== indexOfParentPanel){
return thisPanel;
//am i a component?
if(referenceToParentPanelOfCheckedInput.getAttribute('data-thispanel') === 'thisPanelHasComponentSection') {
//If so, map over the other panels to find fellow(s){
if(thisPanelThatIsnTtheChosenOne.getAttribute('data-thispanel') === 'thisPanelHasComponentSection'){
if(event.currentTarget.checked === true){
reDisableOrEnableComponentProductOfCheckedItem(thisPanelThatIsnTtheChosenOne, 'reDisable');
//STAGE thisPanelThatIsnTtheChosenOne
thisPanelThatIsnTtheChosenOne.setAttribute('data-componentOfSelected', 'componentOfSelected');
else {
reDisableOrEnableComponentProductOfCheckedItem(thisPanelThatIsnTtheChosenOne, 'enable');
//UNSTAGE thisPanelThatIsnTtheChosenOne
thisPanelThatIsnTtheChosenOne.setAttribute('data-componentOfSelected', '');
function reDisableOrEnableComponentProductOfCheckedItem(thisPanelThatIsnTtheChosenOne, reDisableOrEnable){
if(reDisableOrEnable === 'reDisable'){
thisPanelThatIsnTtheChosenOne.querySelector('input').disabled = true;
else if (reDisableOrEnable === 'enable'){
thisPanelThatIsnTtheChosenOne.querySelector('input').disabled = false;
//need to ensure this runs AFTER previous function is complete (so consider calling from end of previous function)
function stageSectionsBasedOnCurrentSelections(referenceToParentPanelOfCheckedInput){
var indexesOfSelectedSections = [];
var indexesOfPanelsContainingComponentSection = [];
for (var abc = 0; abc < nodeListOfCheckboxes.length; abc++){
//test must include things checked AND things marked as components
if(nodeListOfCheckboxes[abc].checked === true ){
if(nodeListOfPanelsToPopulate[abc].getAttribute('data-componentOfSelected') === 'componentOfSelected'){
//console.log('the following panels are selected ' + indexesOfSelectedSections);
//console.log('the following panels are components of selected ' + indexesOfPanelsContainingComponentSection);
//the checkbox handler clears the model and checkboxes, but maybe that should go here
(function grabValuesFromMapStatusContainerDeepARRAY(){
//this model can be 8
for(var i = 0; i < mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY.length; i++){
//stage checked
if(indexesOfSelectedSections.indexOf(i) > -1){
deepOutputObjectForStaging[i].ProductId = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[i].currentProductId;
deepOutputObjectForStaging[i].ProductName = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[i].currentProductName;
deepOutputObjectForStaging[i].ComponentProductId = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[i].currentComponentProductId;
deepOutputObjectForStaging[i].ComponentProductShortName = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[i].currentComponentProductShortName;
deepOutputObjectForStaging[i].MemberPrice = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[i].currentMemberPrice;
//stage components
if(indexesOfPanelsContainingComponentSection.indexOf(i) > -1){
deepOutputObjectForStagingCOMPONENTS[i].ProductId = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[i].currentProductId;
deepOutputObjectForStagingCOMPONENTS[i].ProductName = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[i].currentProductName;
deepOutputObjectForStagingCOMPONENTS[i].ComponentProductId = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[i].currentComponentProductId;
deepOutputObjectForStagingCOMPONENTS[i].ComponentProductShortName = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[i].currentComponentProductShortName;
deepOutputObjectForStagingCOMPONENTS[i].MemberPrice = mapStatusContainerDeepARRAY[i].currentMemberPrice;
(function putOutputArraysInHiddenInputs(){
//insert value here.
hiddenInputForBackend.value = JSON.stringify(deepOutputObjectForStaging);
//backend hasnT added this yet and i want to avoid errors
if(hiddenInputForBackendCOMPONENTS !== null){
hiddenInputForBackendCOMPONENTS.value = JSON.stringify(deepOutputObjectForStagingCOMPONENTS);
(function addEventListeners(){
stateSelectMenu.addEventListener('change', mapHandlerFunction, false);
internationalSelectMenu.addEventListener('change', mapHandlerFunction, false);
iftMapButtonOpen.addEventListener('click', showHideWholeMap, false);
iftMapButtonClose.addEventListener('click', showHideWholeMap, false);
iftMapButtonCancel.addEventListener('click', showHideWholeMap, false);{
thisCheckbox.addEventListener('change', checkBoxHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', iftMapFunctionInit);
#iftMapWrapperOuter {
display: none;
left: 0;
max-width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow-y: scroll;
z-index: 999999;
&.iftMapWrapperOuter--ACTIVE-STATE {
display: block;
background-color: $white;
padding: $gutter-width;
margin-top: $gutter-width;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.iftMap__header {
// position:absolute;
// top:0;
// left:0;
width: 100%;
// background:$ift-grey-medium-lighter;
.iftMap__svg {
transform-origin: 0 0;
@include break(max, $breakpoint-max-mobile){
//width: 100%;
margin-bottom: -250px;
@include break(min, $breakpoint-min-tablet){
//blame microsoft
margin-bottom: -300px;
@include break(max, 399px){
margin-bottom: -400px;
.usState {
cursor: pointer;
fill: #dddddd;
stroke: #999999;
stroke-width: .03rem;
.states {
:hover {
.usState--SELECTED {
.state-borders {
fill: none;
stroke: #666666;
stroke-width: 0.5px;
stroke-linejoin: round;
stroke-linecap: round;
pointer-events: none;
.iftMap__wrapper--outer {
@include break(max, $breakpoint-max-1023){
text-align: center;
@include break(min, $breakpoint-min-lg){
max-width: $breakpoint-min-md;
header {
@include break(max, $breakpoint-max-mobile){
font-size: 1.2rem;
p {
font-size: 1.2rem;
.row {
//padding-bottom: 0;
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
.iftMap__additionalItemsBox__wrapper--outer {
text-align: left;
@include break(min, $breakpoint-min-md){
.iftMap__mobile__selectMenu__wrapper--outer {
// @include break(min, $breakpoint-min-tablet){
// display: none;
// }
.iftMap__additionalItemsBox__wrapper--inner {
.iftMap__stateSelectMenu {
@include break(max, $breakpoint-max-mobile){
margin-bottom: $gutter-width / 2;
font-size: 1.2rem;
option {
font-size: 1.4rem
.iftMap__additionalItemsBox--internationalSections {
.iftMap__additionalItemsBox__wrapper--inner {
@include break(max, $breakpoint-max-mobile){
.iftMap__internationalSelectMenu {
overflow: auto;
height: auto;
background-color: transparent;
border: none;
option {
color: $ift-blue;
background-color: transparent !important;
@include break(max, $breakpoint-max-mobile){
font-size: 1rem;
option {
font-size: 1rem;
@include break(min, $breakpoint-min-tablet){
font-size: 1.2rem;
option {
font-size: 1.2rem;
.iftMap__row--hasMap {
@include break(max, $breakpoint-max-mobile){
padding-bottom: $gutter-width/2;
.dataDisplay__row {
.dataDisplay__header {
border-bottom: 1px solid $ift-grey-200;
.seletedStateDisplay__headline__span {
color: $ift-blue;
@include unButton()
color: white
.iftMap__sectionData__wrapper {
font-size: 1.2rem;
line-height: 1;
@include break(max, $breakpoint-max-mobile){
padding-bottom: $gutter-width;
> label {
display: table;
padding-bottom: 1.6rem;
input {
display: table-cell;
//tough override of other join forms
margin-left: 0 !important;
span {
display: table-cell;
.iftMap__sectionData__detail {
padding-bottom: $gutter-width / 2;
.iftMap__zipCodes {
padding:$gutter-width / 8;
font-size: 1.1rem;
border: 1px solid $ift-grey-200;
.iftMap__additionalItemsBox__headline {
@include break(max, $breakpoint-max-mobile){
font-size: 1.4rem;
.iftMap__additionalItemsBox__wrapper--inner {
background: $ift-grey-medium-lighter;
padding: $gutter-width / 2;
.iftMap__internationalSelectMenu__footer {
font-size: 1.2rem;
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"idNumber": "30",
"stateName": "New Hampshire",
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"idNumber": "31",
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"idNumber": "32",
"stateName": "New Mexico",
"id": "NM",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
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"idNumber": "33",
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"type": "MultiPolygon",
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[6296, 6297, 6298, 6299]
"idNumber": "34",
"stateName": "North Carolina",
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"type": "MultiPolygon",
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[6355, 7124]
"idNumber": "35",
"stateName": "North Dakota",
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"type": "MultiPolygon",
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"idNumber": "36",
"stateName": "Ohio",
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"type": "MultiPolygon",
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"idNumber": "37",
"stateName": "Oklahoma",
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"type": "MultiPolygon",
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"stateName": "Oregon",
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"type": "MultiPolygon",
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"idNumber": "39",
"stateName": "Pennsylvania",
"id": "PA",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
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[8461, 8459, 3295, 3290, -7595, -7541, 8222, 3429, 3430, 3431, 4418, 4419, 6969, 6535, 6536, 6537, 6538, 5722, 5723, 5724, 6676, 6677, -8482, -7075, 4629, 4630, 5728, 5729, 5730, -9255, -5898, -5897, -6269, 5962, 5963, 6590, 7263, -7190, -7189, -7195, -484, -483, 7657, 7658, 6065, -2773, 6059, 6060, 7785, 7781, -8297, -2485, -2484, 4260, 7792, -4414, -4413, 9397, -9173, 1399, 1400, -3279, -2633, 726, 727, 1383, 1384]
"idNumber": "40",
"stateName": "Rhode Island",
"id": "RI",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
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[9443, 478, 7780, -5475, 480, 481, -3792, -6496, -6718, -6656, 6021, 6022]
[5402, 5403]
"idNumber": "41",
"stateName": "South Carolina",
"id": "SC",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
"stateName": "South Carolina"
"arcs": [
[-6058, 6124, 6615, -6049, 4422, -967, 4423, 6679, -1956, -5634, 5789, 8264, 6543, 7726, 6451, 8385, 8386, -8040, -8039, 9123, 6303, 6304, 5713, -7714, -5043, -5042, -7874, -7873, -5852, 9056, 7354, 6376, 6377, 5796, 5797, 5798, 5799, 5800, 5792, 5793, -6407, -6406, -8384, -5954, -5953, 7285, -7385, -7334, -7333, -8966, -6059]
"idNumber": "42",
"stateName": "South Dakota",
"id": "SD",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
"stateName": "South Dakota"
"arcs": [
[4043, 4044, -5658, -7869, -6880, -6513, -4579, -4578, -6081, -6080, 6455, 6026, 7199, -6077, 3435, 3436, 6632, 4430, -9287, 7790, -3199, -1265, -1264, 4891, 4892, 736, -202, -201, -200, 2515, -4467, 6608, 6702, 6703, -4750, -6153, -6152, 4432, 4433, -3637, 3438, -3412, 2156, 2157, -6149, 7351, 7110, 7786, 7787, 7788, 7109, -6858, 842, 843, 844, -1619, -6070, -467, 4737]
"idNumber": "43",
"stateName": "Tennessee",
"id": "TN",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
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[5198, 5199, 2564, -1530, -1529, 7055, 7056, -7177, -5661, -5660, -3175, -3174, 4153, 4154, 974, 975, 8189, 8190, 6783, -5764, -5763, -7279, 8959, 6618, 6619, -7159, 4047, 4048, -1407, 4049, 7885, 7886, -4405, 7887, 7888, 6388, -5206, -5210, -7026, -5636, -5635, -5640, -6457, 4640, 4641, 6314, -4024, -4027, -3628, -3633, -446, -5575, -5574, 7968, 7132, 7133, -5671, -5291, -5290, -4165, -4164, 8554, 7592, -2704, -2703, 4057, -5167, -5166, -5170, -24, 6624, 7300, 9255, -2556, -5808, 4635, 4636, 6915, 6916, 6917, 6931, 6930, 6913, 6929, 7253, 7167, 7162, -9048, -5826, -9218, -5824, -9217, 7355, -6821, -6820, -4246, -4245, -1569, -1568]
"idNumber": "44",
"stateName": "Texas",
"id": "TX",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
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[1833, 2489, 2490, 2720, 2718, 3268, 3269, -4617, -4616, 4644, 4647, 4648, 43, 44, 3231, -2688, 1452, 1453, 3176, 6133, -5720, -5719, 8267, 5801, -4037, -4036, 6219, 8378, -7978, 4438, -7977, -7556, -7692, -7691, 3855, 3856, -7482, -4367, -4366, -6531, -7121, 6873, 6874, -9321, 6130, 7229, -7066, -7065, -3975, -3974, -3973, 6138, -4664, -4207, -4206, -7478, 6937, 6938, 3443, 7265, 3445, 3449, 7267, 3851, 7266, 3853, 8020, 7988, 6443, 9155, 6326, 6029, 8764, 8843, 8766, 6031, 6327, 9156, 6441, 7989, 6215, 6445, 7986, 6447, 6217, 6448, 3844, 9157, 6329, 6033, 8767, 8844, 8558, 7942, 4526, 9386, 3746, 8994, 4651, 5865, 9027, 7863, 8561, 9049, -4386, -8826, 8559, 1462, -618, -617, -616, 8587, -8782, 8388, 1927, 2030, 1198, 1199, 6462, -4595, 37, -4594, 8934]
{ "idNumber": "45",
"stateName": "Utah",
"id": "UT",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
"stateName": "Utah"
"arcs": [
[-7297, -3780, -3785, 7995, -569, -575, -3779, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1119, -286, -285, -3014, -3013, -8231, 1610, 4446, -8230, -9259, 9189, 7993, -5547, -5546, -6402, -3811, -3810, -7766, 5869, 5870, -437, -440, 981]
"idNumber": "46",
"stateName": "Vermont",
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"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
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"idNumber": "47",
"stateName": "Virginia",
"id": "VA",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
"stateName": "Virginia"
"arcs": [
[6889, 7319, 7292, 986, 8629, 8394, 3203, 3204, 8834, -8391, 989, 990, 8488, 8489, -6052, -6051, -6050, -4513, -4512, -3100, -6518, -6517, 7867, -5196, -5195, -5194, -5193, -9030, -9029, -3223, -3222, -7091, 6392, -7090, -7087, -4401, -7887, -7886, -4050, 1406, -4049, -4048, 7158, -6620, -6619, -8960, -7278, -8323, -8322, -6979, 8529, 8417, 7708, -3480, 7704, 7850, 7851, 8985, 8060, -7103, -7615, -7614, -7613, -4757, -4756, -856, -855, -4511, -4510, -4509, 7758, 6206, -7965, -8015, -5923, -8126, 7358, 9206, -6270, -5901, -3987, -3986, 7243, -9312, -7013, 6199, 6200, 6201, 9296, 2181, 9231, 9309, 3463, 5872, 6564, 4371, 9262, 9442, 8236, 8910, 8627, 8576, 197, 4452]
[-6000, -6284, 6545, 6228, 6546]
[6547, -6002]
"idNumber": "48",
"stateName": "Washington",
"id": "WA",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
"stateName": "Washington"
"arcs": [
[7297, -4623, 621, 4456, 4457, 9191, 3470, 3471, -4619, -1987, -192, -2831, 6940, 5326, 5327, 6118, 6119, 8103, -8184, -8142, 8642, 8855, 9310, 9039, 9152, 9036, 9135, 7419, 7003, 9136, 8085, 6998, 5876, 7487, 9129, 7485, 8079, 4930, 8782, 6120, 8081, 3045, 3046, 3047, -6688, -4184, -3553, -3552, 6420, 6421]
"idNumber": "49",
"stateName": "West Virginia",
"id": "WV",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
"stateName": "West Virginia"
"arcs": [
[-7193, -7192, 7755, 8013, 5924, 5920, -6272, -6271, -9207, -7359, 8125, 5922, 8014, 7964, -6207, -7759, 4508, 4509, 4510, 854, 855, 4755, 4756, 7612, 7613, 7614, 7102, -8061, -8986, -7852, -7851, -7705, 3479, 3480, 3481, 4764, 4765, 4760, 4761, -7260, 7655, 7609, -5958, -5957, -5956, -35, -7701, -7700, 3864, 3860, -8914, 7660, -7601, 2774, 2770, 7597, -8148, -8298, -7786, -6061, -6060, 2772, -6066, -7659, -7658, 482, 483, 7194, -7194]
"idNumber": "50",
"stateName": "Wisconsin",
"id": "WI",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
"stateName": "Wisconsin"
"arcs": [
[-8453, -4359, -4358, -5533, -5532, -3287, 8655, 3742, 4768, 4769, 6183, -5909, -5908, -6067, -2766, 8369, 9273, 8360, 9069, -5905, 3483, 3484, 4459, 6483, 6484, -9253, -3418, 9398, 9303, 1933, 1107, 9314, 1109, 743, 7242, 7053, 8817, 994, 3865, 3866, -12, -11, 1943, -3098, -5578, -5577, -4548, -4553, -5912, -5911, -6465, 8413, -8451, -8449, -8448, -8663, 4935, 4936, -8454]
"idNumber": "51",
"stateName": "Wyoming",
"id": "WY",
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"properties": {
"stateName": "Wyoming"
"arcs": [
[199, 200, 201, -737, -4893, -7212, 6185, -1350, 6186, -7319, -6778, -7971, -6471, 4745, 4746, 8420, -8107, -3782, -3781, 7296, -982, 439, 436, -5871, 5930, 5925, 5926, -6266, -7823, -6721, -6994, 1665, 1658, 1659, -6854, -6951, -6950, -6490, 857, 4464, 4465, 4466, -2516]
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