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Created October 12, 2015 05:04
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ACA Enrollment in Texas

Take a look at the Texas ZIP codes with ACA plans data, as well as federal data to compare health insurance enrollment and median household income. Data viz produced by Jeremy C.F. Lin. A more detailed piece can be read on the Texas Tribune. Built with Built with

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<div class="container">
<h1 class=" text-center title">Obama Care Enrollment in Texas</h1>
<!-- <h3 class="byline textcenter">Data visualizations produced by <a href="" target="_blank">Jeremy C.F. Lin</a></h3> -->
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2">
<p class="text text-center">Take a look at the Texas ZIP codes with ACA plans data, as well as federal data to compare health insurance enrollment and median household income. Data viz produced by <a href="" target="_blank">Jeremy C.F. Lin</a>. </br>A more detailed piece can be read on the <a href="" target="_blank">Texas Tribune</a>.</p>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
<div class='my-legend'>
<div class='legend-title'>Percentage of enrollment</div>
<div class='legend-scale'>
<ul class='legend-labels'>
<li><span class ="empty" style='background:#ffffff;'></span>N/A</li>
<li><span style='background:#f1eef6;'></span>0 - 1%</li>
<li><span style='background:#d0d1e6;'></span>1 - 2%</li>
<li><span style='background:#a6bddb;'></span>2 - 3%</li>
<li><span style='background:#74a9cf;'></span>3 - 4%</li>
<li><span style='background:#3690c0;'></span>4 - 5%</li>
<li><span style='background:#0570b0;'></span>5 - 6%</li>
<li><span style='background:#034e7b;'></span>< 6%</li>
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<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
<div class='my-legend income'>
<div class='legend-title'>Median household income</div>
<div class='legend-scale'>
<ul class='legend-labels'>
<li><span class ="empty" style='background:#ffffff;'></span>N/A</li>
<li><span style='background:#ffffcc;'></span>0 - 34</li>
<li><span style='background:#d9f0a3;'></span>34 - 41</li>
<li><span style='background:#addd8e;'></span>41 - 46</li>
<li><span style='background:#78c679;'></span>46 - 54</li>
<li><span style='background:#41ab5d;'></span>54 - 66</li>
<li><span style='background:#238443;'></span>66 - 173</li>
<li><span style='background:#005a32;'></span>< 173</li>
<li><span style='background:#ffffff;'></span> (Thousands)</li>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
<div id="texas2" class="map"></div>
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