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Last active December 11, 2015 13:33
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iCal 4.0 Replacement for Timezone issue - replace plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/iCal.php contents with the following:
* Class that implements the export to iCal functionality
* both for list and single events
class Tribe__Events__iCal {
* Set all the filters and actions necessary for the operation of the iCal generator.
* @static
public static function init() {
add_filter( 'tribe_events_after_footer', array( __CLASS__, 'maybe_add_link' ), 10, 1 );
add_action( 'tribe_events_single_event_after_the_content', array( __CLASS__, 'single_event_links' ) );
add_action( 'tribe_tec_template_chooser', array( __CLASS__, 'do_ical_template' ) );
add_filter( 'tribe_get_ical_link', array( __CLASS__, 'day_view_ical_link' ), 20, 1 );
add_action( 'wp_head', array( __CLASS__, 'set_feed_link' ), 2, 0 );
* outputs a <link> element for the ical feed
public static function set_feed_link() {
if ( ! current_theme_supports( 'automatic-feed-links' ) ) {
$separator = _x( '&raquo;', 'feed link', 'the-events-calendar' );
$feed_title = sprintf( esc_html__( '%1$s %2$s iCal Feed', 'the-events-calendar' ), get_bloginfo( 'name' ), $separator );
printf( '<link rel="alternate" type="text/calendar" title="%s" href="%s" />', esc_attr( $feed_title ), esc_url( tribe_get_ical_link() ) );
echo "\n";
* Returns the url for the iCal generator for lists of posts.
* @static
* @param string $type The type of iCal link to return, defaults to 'home'.
* @return string
public static function get_ical_link( $type = 'home' ) {
$tec = Tribe__Events__Main::instance();
return add_query_arg( array( 'ical' => 1 ), $tec->getLink( $type ) );
* Make sure ical link has the date in the URL instead of "today" on day view
* @param $link
* @return string
public static function day_view_ical_link( $link ) {
if ( tribe_is_day() ) {
global $wp_query;
$day = $wp_query->get( 'start_date' );
$link = trailingslashit( esc_url( trailingslashit( tribe_get_day_link( $day ) ) . '?ical=1' ) );
return $link;
* Generates the markup for iCal and gCal single event links
public static function single_event_links() {
// don't show on password protected posts
if ( is_single() && post_password_required() ) {
echo '<div class="tribe-events-cal-links">';
echo '<a class="tribe-events-gcal tribe-events-button" href="' . Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->esc_gcal_url( tribe_get_gcal_link() ) . '" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Add to Google Calendar', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '">+ ' . esc_html__( 'Google Calendar', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</a>';
echo '<a class="tribe-events-ical tribe-events-button" href="' . esc_url( tribe_get_single_ical_link() ) . '" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Download .ics file', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '" >+ ' . esc_html__( 'iCal Export', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</a>';
echo '</div><!-- .tribe-events-cal-links -->';
* Generates the markup for the "iCal Import" link for the views.
public static function maybe_add_link() {
global $wp_query;
$show_ical = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_list_show_ical_link', true );
if ( ! $show_ical ) {
if ( tribe_is_month() && ! tribe_events_month_has_events() ) {
if ( is_single() || ! have_posts() ) {
$tec = Tribe__Events__Main::instance();
$view = $tec->displaying;
if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX && isset( $wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay'] ) ) {
$view = $wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay'];
switch ( strtolower( $view ) ) {
case 'month':
$modifier = sprintf( esc_html__( "Month's %s", 'the-events-calendar' ), tribe_get_event_label_plural() );
case 'week':
$modifier = sprintf( esc_html__( "Week's %s", 'the-events-calendar' ), tribe_get_event_label_plural() );
case 'day':
$modifier = sprintf( esc_html__( "Day's %s", 'the-events-calendar' ), tribe_get_event_label_plural() );
$modifier = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Listed %s', 'the-events-calendar' ), tribe_get_event_label_plural() );
$text = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_ical_export_text', esc_html__( 'Export', 'the-events-calendar' ) . ' ' . $modifier );
$title = esc_html__( 'Use this to share calendar data with Google Calendar, Apple iCal and other compatible apps', 'the-events-calendar' );
$ical = '<a class="tribe-events-ical tribe-events-button" title="' . $title . '" href="' . esc_url( tribe_get_ical_link() ) . '">+ ' . $text . '</a>';
echo $ical;
* Executes the iCal generator when the appropiate query_var or $_GET is setup
* @static
* @param $template
public static function do_ical_template( $template ) {
// hijack to iCal template
if ( get_query_var( 'ical' ) || isset( $_GET['ical'] ) ) {
global $wp_query;
if ( isset( $_GET['event_ids'] ) ) {
if ( empty( $_GET['event_ids'] ) ) {
$event_ids = explode( ',', $_GET['event_ids'] );
$events = Tribe__Events__Query::getEvents( array( 'post__in' => $event_ids ) );
self::generate_ical_feed( $events );
} elseif ( is_single() ) {
self::generate_ical_feed( $wp_query->post, null );
} else {
* Gets all events in the current month, matching those presented in month view
* by default (and therefore potentially including some events from the tail end
* of the previous month and start of the following month).
* We build a fresh 'custom'-type query here rather than taking advantage of the
* main query since page spoofing can render the actual query and results
* inaccessible (and it cannot be recovered via a query reset).
* @return array events in the month
private static function get_month_view_events() {
global $wp_query;
$event_date = $wp_query->get( 'eventDate' );
$month = empty( $event_date )
? tribe_get_month_view_date()
: $wp_query->get( 'eventDate' );
$args = array(
'eventDisplay' => 'custom',
'start_date' => Tribe__Events__Template__Month::calculate_first_cell_date( $month ),
'end_date' => Tribe__Events__Template__Month::calculate_final_cell_date( $month ),
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'hide_upcoming' => true,
* Provides an opportunity to modify the query args used to build a list of events
* to export from month view.
* This could be useful where its desirable to limit the exported data set to only
* those events taking place in the specific month being viewed (rather than an exact
* match of the events shown in month view itself, which may include events from
* adjacent months).
* @var array $args
* @var string $month
$args = (array) apply_filters( 'tribe_ical_feed_month_view_query_args', $args, $month );
return tribe_get_events( $args );
* Generates the iCal file
* @static
* @param int|null $post If you want the ical file for a single event
public static function generate_ical_feed( $post = null ) {
$tec = Tribe__Events__Main::instance();
$events = '';
$blogHome = get_bloginfo( 'url' );
$blogName = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
if ( $post ) {
$events_posts = is_array( $post ) ? $post : array( $post );
} else {
if ( tribe_is_month() ) {
$events_posts = self::get_month_view_events();
} else {
global $wp_query;
$events_posts = $wp_query->posts;
$event_ids = wp_list_pluck( $events_posts, 'ID' );
foreach ( $events_posts as $event_post ) {
// add fields to iCal output
$item = array();
$full_format = 'Ymd\THis\Z';
$time = (object) array(
'start' => self::wp_strtotime( $event_post->EventStartDate ),
'end' => self::wp_strtotime( $event_post->EventEndDate ),
'modified' => self::wp_strtotime( $event_post->post_modified ),
'created' => self::wp_strtotime( $event_post->post_date ),
if ( 'yes' == get_post_meta( $event_post->ID, '_EventAllDay', true ) ) {
$type = 'DATE';
$format = 'Ymd';
} else {
$type = 'DATE-TIME';
$format = $full_format;
$tzoned = (object) array(
'start' => date( $format, $time->start ),
'end' => date( $format, $time->end ),
'modified' => date( $full_format, $time->modified ),
'created' => date( $full_format, $time->created ),
if ( 'DATE' === $type ){
$item[] = "DTSTART;VALUE=$type:" . $tzoned->start;
$item[] = "DTEND;VALUE=$type:" . $tzoned->end;
} else {
$item[] = 'DTSTART:' . $tzoned->start;
$item[] = 'DTEND:' . $tzoned->end;
$item[] = 'DTSTAMP:' . date( $full_format, time() );
$item[] = 'CREATED:' . $tzoned->created;
$item[] = 'LAST-MODIFIED:' . $tzoned->modified;
$item[] = 'UID:' . $event_post->ID . '-' . $time->start . '-' . $time->end . '@' . parse_url( home_url( '/' ), PHP_URL_HOST );
$item[] = 'SUMMARY:' . str_replace( array( ',', "\n", "\r", "\t" ), array( '\,', '\n', '', '\t' ), html_entity_decode( strip_tags( $event_post->post_title ), ENT_QUOTES ) );
$item[] = 'DESCRIPTION:' . str_replace( array( ',', "\n", "\r", "\t" ), array( '\,', '\n', '', '\t' ), html_entity_decode( strip_tags( $event_post->post_content ), ENT_QUOTES ) );
$item[] = 'URL:' . get_permalink( $event_post->ID );
// add location if available
$location = $tec->fullAddressString( $event_post->ID );
if ( ! empty( $location ) ) {
$str_location = str_replace( array( ',', "\n" ), array( '\,', '\n' ), html_entity_decode( $location, ENT_QUOTES ) );
$item[] = 'LOCATION:' . $str_location;
// add geo coordinates if available
if ( class_exists( 'Tribe__Events__Pro__Geo_Loc' ) ) {
$long = Tribe__Events__Pro__Geo_Loc::instance()->get_lng_for_event( $event_post->ID );
$lat = Tribe__Events__Pro__Geo_Loc::instance()->get_lat_for_event( $event_post->ID );
if ( ! empty( $long ) && ! empty( $lat ) ) {
$item[] = sprintf( 'GEO:%s;%s', $lat, $long );
$str_title = str_replace( array( ',', "\n" ), array( '\,', '\n' ), html_entity_decode( tribe_get_address( $event_post->ID ), ENT_QUOTES ) );
if ( ! empty( $str_title ) && ! empty( $str_location ) ) {
$item[] =
'X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=' . str_replace( '\,', '', trim( $str_location ) ) . ';' .
'X-TITLE=' . trim( $str_title ) . ':geo:' . $long . ',' . $lat;
// add categories if available
$event_cats = (array) wp_get_object_terms( $event_post->ID, Tribe__Events__Main::TAXONOMY, array( 'fields' => 'names' ) );
if ( ! empty( $event_cats ) ) {
$item[] = 'CATEGORIES:' . html_entity_decode( join( ',', $event_cats ), ENT_QUOTES );
// add featured image if available
if ( has_post_thumbnail( $event_post->ID ) ) {
$thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $event_post->ID );
$thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail_id );
$thumbnail_mime_type = get_post_mime_type( $thumbnail_id );
$item[] = apply_filters( 'tribe_ical_feed_item_thumbnail', sprintf( 'ATTACH;FMTTYPE=%s:%s', $thumbnail_mime_type, $thumbnail_url ), $event_post->ID );
// add organizer if available
$organizer_email = tribe_get_organizer_email( $event_post->ID );
if ( $organizer_email ) {
$organizer_id = tribe_get_organizer_id( $event_post->ID );
$organizer = get_post( $organizer_id );
if ( $organizer_id ) {
$item[] = sprintf( 'ORGANIZER;CN="%s":MAILTO:%s', rawurlencode( $organizer->post_title ), $organizer_email );
} else {
$item[] = sprintf( 'ORGANIZER:MAILTO:%s', $organizer_email );
$item = apply_filters( 'tribe_ical_feed_item', $item, $event_post );
$events .= "BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n" . implode( "\r\n", $item ) . "\r\nEND:VEVENT\r\n";
header( 'Content-type: text/calendar; charset=UTF-8' );
header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ical-event-' . implode( $event_ids ) . '.ics"' );
$content = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n";
$content .= "VERSION:2.0\r\n";
$content .= 'PRODID:-//' . $blogName . ' - ECPv' . Tribe__Events__Main::VERSION . "//NONSGML v1.0//EN\r\n";
$content .= "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\r\n";
$content .= "METHOD:PUBLISH\r\n";
$content .= 'X-WR-CALNAME:' . apply_filters( 'tribe_ical_feed_calname', $blogName ) . "\r\n";
$content .= 'X-ORIGINAL-URL:' . $blogHome . "\r\n";
$content .= 'X-WR-CALDESC:Events for ' . $blogName . "\r\n";
$content = apply_filters( 'tribe_ical_properties', $content );
$content .= $events;
$content .= 'END:VCALENDAR';
echo $content;
* Converts a locally-formatted date to a unix timestamp. This is a drop-in
* replacement for `strtotime()`, except that where strtotime assumes GMT, this
* assumes local time (as described below). If a timezone is specified, this
* function defers to strtotime().
* If there is a timezone_string available, the date is assumed to be in that
* timezone, otherwise it simply subtracts the value of the 'gmt_offset'
* option.
* @see strtotime()
* @uses get_option() to retrieve the value of 'gmt_offset'.
* @param string $string A date/time string. See `strtotime` for valid formats.
* @return int UNIX timestamp.
private static function wp_strtotime( $string ) {
// If there's a timezone specified, we shouldn't convert it
try {
$test_date = new DateTime( $string );
if ( 'UTC' != $test_date->getTimezone()->getName() ) {
return strtotime( $string );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
return strtotime( $string );
$tz = get_option( 'timezone_string' );
if ( ! empty( $tz ) ) {
$date = date_create( $string, new DateTimeZone( $tz ) );
if ( ! $date ) {
return strtotime( $string );
$date->setTimezone( new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
return $date->format( 'U' );
} else {
$offset = (float) get_option( 'gmt_offset' );
$seconds = intval( $offset * HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
$timestamp = strtotime( $string ) - $seconds;
return $timestamp;
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