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Jessica McKellar jesstess

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jesstess /
Created December 26, 2010 20:37
Use genetic algorithms to create graphical rainbows.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from Tkinter import *
import colorsys
import optparse
import random
Use genetic algorithms to create graphical rainbows.
jesstess / percentages_sql_having_case
Created December 22, 2010 19:25
Getting percentages with HAVING and CASE in SQL
I have a table of accounts and a table of transactions. There's a
one-to-many relationship between accounts and transactions;
transactions.account_id is a foreign key into accounts. For all
accounts where < 50% of transactions are authorized, I want to
get the account id and that percentage:
SELECT, SUM(t.authorized=1)/COUNT(*) AS percentage
FROM accounts a, transaction_info t
jesstess / mysql_time_frequency_tables
Created December 22, 2010 04:04
Quick frequency tables bucketing on time in MySQL
# date field is of type 'date'
mysql> SELECT YEAR(date) AS year, MONTH(date) AS month, count(*) AS count FROM my_table GROUP BY year, month ORDER BY year, month;
| year | month | count |
| 2008 | 6 | 1 |
| 2009 | 3 | 1 |
| 2009 | 5 | 2 |
| 2009 | 6 | 1 |
| 2009 | 7 | 1 |
jesstess / DIY_bandwidth_summaries
Created December 19, 2010 03:42
DIY bandwidth summaries
DIY bandwidth summaries
1. ifconfig
ifconfig -a will give you transmitted and received bytes by interface since last boot.
Gets its info from /proc/net/dev
2. iptables
jesstess / password_gen_dev_urandom
Created November 27, 2010 20:24
N-character password generation out of /dev/urandom
# alphanumeric
</dev/urandom tr -dc [:alnum:] | head -c10
# all printable characters, excluding whitespace
</dev/urandom tr -dc [:graph:] | head -c10
jesstess / cycle_bash_color
Created November 25, 2010 03:11
cycle through colors with each new shell prompt
export colorvar=31; export PROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1="\e[""$colorvar"";40m\w> "; colorvar=$(((colorvar + 1) % 7 + 31));'
jesstess / growl_ticket_notifier
Created November 18, 2010 03:41
Check ticket trackers for new tickets and generate notifications for them through Growl.
import pycurl
import re
import urlparse
from StringIO import StringIO
from Growl import GrowlNotifier
Check ticket trackers for new tickets and generate notifications for them